
1. Probably not that exact sentence, no. But 'not taking advantage of a drunk girl = great guy' and 'I'm a nice guy and women only like assholes' are absolutely sentiments.

Yeah, I have always taken it to be an indictment of people who become friends with someone they want to date bc they think that being friends with them is an obvious path to a relationship. That is definitely the way it works for a lot of people, and I think it's something a lot of people want, but there are

This is my favorite takedown:

"When men were men and women were women!"

I mean, you are allowed to be sad that someone doesn't like you back. You are allowed to complain a little! But in a "man I really like so-and-so and I feel like we'd be good together; it really sucks that she doesn't feel the same way" sense, not a "what a bitch that one time she passed out drunk and I didn't even

I used puff-paint to decorate a pair of jeans with Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd lyrics. Thank god I've never been famous.

I have a non-classified learning disability (basically, I read *really* slowly — 3rd percentile slowly); I got my BA, took some time off, applied to 10 MA programs, got into 9, and am currently in the middle of completing my MA. You can *absolutely* do it!

What? That's crazy! Petting a dog or a cat actually lowers your heart rate/cortisol levels. Having a companion animal is *great* at a time like this.

Yeah, I know all this (and it is great advice); I'm a second-year grad student in English lit. Just having trouble with focus. And writing a paper very different from what I'm used to. But I'll get there. (Didn't mean to sound snippy or anything, it is generally very good advice).

It's one of my favorite activities! Singleness can be great.

1. I have been staring at my computer for 5 hours trying to write this doomed paper. My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton-balls. Five drinks over six hours with plenty of food and water = badness.

Good for you!! That is excellent, and you should be proud of yourself.

There is a bowling ball version in 'The Stinky Cheeseman.' But I now like the version where a woman can finally feel the pea under the mattress and the royal family gets excited she's a real princess, she marries the prince (right away, obviously), and then somehow 6-7 months later has a kid.

Wait. Did the princess in that story feel the pea bc she was pregnant? With not-the-prince's baby? Bc that would make the story amazing.

I mean, it IS possible he was abused as a child. Which would be terrible, and is something that needs addressing — childhood abuse is obviously awful in itself *and* probably perpetuates later-in-life abuse — but there is nothing at all, ever, that excuses his behavior.

Sure, there are exceptions — sometimes people cheat for totally sympathetic, understandable reasons. Sometimes people are stuck in horrible relationships and it takes an outsider to help them break out. (And I am very glad you got out of an abusive relationship and into a good one!) But people leaving non-abusive

Here it does make sense, though. Generally speaking (obviously, as always, there are plenty of exceptions), a willingness to cheat (emotionally or otherwise) has more to do with the person cheating than it does the person they are cheating with. Which boils down to: the way a person acts is a pretty good indicator of

You know that there are also men who write for Jezebel, right?

Because while he's obviously an ass, he is not making rape threats or anything equally awful, and therefore does not deserve to be doxxed. Just mercilessly mocked.

Because that would be abandoning their FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!