
Well, in pretty much every one of those groups, women *do* vote more democratic than men in each of those group. Young, unmarried women in particular vote overwhelmingly democratic. Similarly, black voters are rich, poor, men, women, urban, rural, religious, areligious, but there are still identifiable trends in how

This is true. I think in part it's a positive thing; no matter their opinions, Republicans seem to vote hard on party lines. Democrats often seem to stick closer to their own opinions, which is admirable, but like you said, doesn't do much for cohesion.

Does this happen to young guys too? My brother and I once got into an argument with this super conservative couple at a dinner party. I did 80% of the talking. After, they told my brother he was quite smart, and me that I was adorable but would come around.

I think they are okay with young men, as long as those young men belong to either (or both) a yacht club or the NRA.

They lack a viable candidate right now. But we're still over a year away from primary season, and it's certainly not unheard of for someone to emerge relatively late in the game.

Yeah. I am not a fan when it comes to him and a lot of foreign policy stuff (read: drones), but I think on a lot of other issues, he really tried, the GOP in congress just made it impossible. Also, he really HAS achieved some great things; Affordable Care could be better but it's a huge fucking deal/several steps in

But it will be at least a decade before we see another Republican President.

I don't like that guy.

Uh, well, I'm a native, and plan to move back after grad school, so, no. DC may be a transient city for people who move there to intern on the hill or do consulting or journalism after college, but it's also home to a lot of people — both natives and transplants.

Yeah Jezebel is definitely not representative of the population.

I think it does, though. Not that all people who identify as feminists would have a problem with the Ray Rice costume (though I am betting most would), or that people who don't identify as such would unanimously support the costume. But I think you are mistaken in assuming that a majority (bc if it's not a majority,

Ugh but when they don't listen to all the logic in the world, and when they change their arguments halfway through, it's soo frustrating. But yes, it is also fun :)

Also the people who talk about "the conformists" are the same people who started calling everyone a "phony" after reading Catcher and the Rye, and who totally still identify with Holden Caulfield at 30.

I know I shouldn't engage. But I keep engaging.

Just FYI, only 23% of women and 16% of men identify as feminists. So, I'm pretty sure the other 77%/84% are the conformists, being in the majority and all.

But there's something bold about mocking the downtrodden? When you punch up — not towards the vague idea of "the man" but towards actual people/institutions — you risk incurring the wrath of people who have power over you. When you punch down, the worst people can do in retaliation is tell you you're being shitty.

Since when did being "edgy" become all about punching down instead of punching up? "Edginess" is not siding with "the man" and making fun of people who are fighting the man. Edginess is a bold fuck-you to the institutions that dominate, to the government, etc.

Sadly, I think it is only blatant racists who are "among the dumbest members of society." Smart racists just know how to disguise their racism; those are the guys in the upper echelons of society who talk about welfare being for "lazy" people.

At times, I think Jezebel has been behind Taylor Swift. I don't love her music, but I generally like her persona/who she seems to be. But the lyrics to this song are incredibly tone-deaf, and that's worth calling out.

I am currently debating purchasing some shoes; I am trying to find the pair that will work both for my costume AND my cousin's wedding, so I don't feel bad about the money spent.