
Hmm. Maybe consider a new therapist? I had one for awhile who was great for me as a teen, but seemed to have a lot of Feelings about sex. Even so, I kept seeing her until I screwed up the courage to tell her about a guy taking advantage of me my freshman year of college (5 years after the fact) and she said "I'm

I am getting a degree in being too attached to fictional humans. I get attached to characters in books, movies, tv shows, webcomics...just, all of it.

I've never had a really serious relationship; the longest actual dating scenario for me was about 3 months, and I've had 2 fwb things that each lasted a year, one of which involved definite dating-like-qualities for a few months of that year. But that is it (and I'm in my mid-20s).

What is it with grad school totally wrecking the body? (I mean, it's the stress. I know it's the stress. Sigh).

Laughing during sex is great! I get giggly when I'm really happy, which, during good sex, I am. Plus sex is weird and goofy and sweaty bodies make funny noises and sometimes boys fall off the bed (or does that just happen to me?). I don't think people should take sex too seriously, and the ability to laugh during is a

Ugh I miss that kind of sex.

Oh man...I've been talking/on the verge of sexting with an ex I've dated twice just bc the sex is so damn good. He lives on the other side of the country. I...may have an entry to make here soon.

I too have had sex w a guy who had a roommate post-college. He also didn't have condoms (thankfully, I did), and had tear-outs from Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition all over his wall. The kicker was when I learned he doesn't vote; we haven't spoken since.

Wait, did you hook up with him before or after dislocating your shoulder/before or after going to the hospital? Bc if you did all that while broken, you should win.

yes, I actually thanked him for his country's kindness during the Holocaust to "my people."

That seems entirely reasonable. Glad you give these things thought — encourage other dudes to do the same!

Also: avoid complimenting women who look like they're in a rush to get somewhere, who look like they're immersed in something else (a book, a conversation) or who might feel trapped (on an elevator, in a subway car).

Then probably don't google the history of lysol...

And not just in New York — I live in a small town now and it happens way less than when I lived in a big city, but it still happens occasionally.

It's entitlement if you think you're entitled to a reply. If you understand that you're not, and that a lot of women might NOT reply for various reasons, you're probably okay.

Yes! Sometimes when I'm walking and a guy says hi to me, I smile and say hi back and keep walking. Sometimes I'm in a rush or deep in thought or in a shitty mood so I don't. If you say "hi" with no real expectations for that being returned, it's totally fine.

Because us silly ladies need SO much about the world explained to us, these kind gentlemen just want us to understand what's up!

Or that she's with the Daily Show for three or four years, then gets her own show.

It's amazing how effective the basic lack of creepiness can be.

This does seem like a solid pickup strategy.