
This isn't a generational thing — there were probably more outspoken, highly visible feminists making noise is the 70s (when our parents were 20somethings — mine are also in their early 60s) than there are now.

Nor would Charlotte, Emily, and Anne, and they'd all be just shy of 200!

God that's depressing.

One summer when I was a kid, I had lice and our dog had fleas. My dad got my mom a flea-catcher for her birthday, with a card that said "For the Woman Who Has Everything."

On the other hand, I DO like crossword puzzles.

Wait, are Robin Thicke and Alan Thicke related? Also, is that an incredibly stupid question?

Exactly. I am crazy inappropriate when it comes to my own shit bc that is how I cope. When people I know intimately enough to know that they appreciate gallows humor are going through tough times, I crack jokes. I am never above making fun of politicians. But yeah — punching down is just shitty.

What IS this??

I mean, there were Maroon 5 songs I really liked in high school that I still enjoy listening to because of the nostalgic high-school value. But I find him creepy and kind of repulsive as a person.

To look at this like a cynical person: If she were going to make up a story (which happens, yes, but is SO SO SO SO rare), she'd make up a story that would make "sense" to outsiders, i.e., she went down on him but that was all she wanted to do and then later he raped her. In fact, maybe that's how it all seemed to her

100%, yes.

Yup. The defense of the joke bothered me much more than the joke.

I'm generally a fan of dark humor, but there are times when it's just in poor taste. This guy is such an easy target for mockery and most of the jokes are so obvious — why make them when he's clearly in pain?

Yes please!

My mom is like that. I am guessing from your handle that you're 22ish? I am 26, and I don't think my mom will ever stop being crazy and worried. I think you can probably get her to back down on the prying a little, but if she is anything like my mom she will always the regular "still not in a ditch, mom" texts.

Please feel free to totally disregard this advice bc this is very much a "worked for me but won't for everyone" thing, but: I was really hung up on my own virginity in my early twenties, then I basically propositioned a friend I had made out with a few times by saying "Would it be bad for our friendship if we had sex?

My brother works crazy hours, and by nature is kinda spazzy and not good at house-stuff. My sister in law (who also works, but w more flexibility) mandated that he cook dinner once a week (she cooks most of their meals) and clean up after he cooks. After he got used to doing that, he started to take on more

I feel that.

You had the perfect week!! I am in awe.