
Also if he's not doing anything for them, they're probably not the most enthusiastic partners.

Her hair. I want her hairstyle.

Sure, but 4chan is still a platform that makes disseminating information easy, and posting nude pictures without the consent of the people in the photo really should not be covered by "free speech." It's not bad that people can use the internet anonymously; it is bad that there's no system for addressing that

Eh, 6 years later, I have good stories to tell. And a good way to warn my little cousins about mixed drinks in solo cups.

Yup. Junior year of college I went to the hospital for something called "Wapatula" — half a mix of various hard liquors, half fruit punch. Worst, I was 4 months of shy of 21, so had to go to court and do comm-serv.

Yup, I grew up (in the states) having wine w dinner once a week from the time I was 13 (I'd get tiiiny glasses at 13/14/15, normal-size ones 16 and up), and it definitely helped me when I got to college.

I DO think the drinking age should be 18; if nothing else, it will make kids less nervous about getting help when necessary. It's also safer to drink in bars than at parties, bc you generally know what you're getting (I'm not talking roofies, but in a bar you get the amount of alcohol you pay for, and probably won't

Update: there is now a chapter 8.

Yep. Basically: simplifying words to make them easier for children to pronounce and thus learn: good. Avoiding saying words because they have to do with icky anatomy and sex: bad.

Fuzzy, sparkly, purple sweaters, velveteen overalls, and becoming a 'starving artist' were pretty high on MY list as an 11-yr old. Obviously it was because of The Sex and The City.

I think the "Hufflepuff hat." Because they're okay with fornicating and socialism and women having careers.

I mean, I'm fine with "potty" bc that's a lot easier for little kids learning language to say than "toilet," and also, a "potty" is a thing. Do you mean like pee-pee for penis (awful) or for pee? The latter makes sense bc again for some reason really little kids seem to have an easier time remembering repetitive words

I was unclear on that; it said a month and a half after they "met online" — I dunno how much real-world dating occurred between that and taking off. I'd be curious to know, though.

Clear rootbeer is a thing??

Weren't Christians just pretty much treated like Jews for the first couple centuries?

I never vacuum my rug (I know, I know), but I don't wear pantsuits and I sometimes wear makeup. Maybe it's because I'm agnostic?

Yeah, but see, that's the kind of Christianity/religion that just focuses on being good to people and not killing and the importance of standing up for people. REAL Christianity is about how everyone who is not a perfect heteronormative clean-as-a-whistle praying automaton is going to hell.

Yeah someone else brought that up — in that case, 16 yr old girls should totally have fun making out with 16 yr old boys, but it's still not great advice to use that as a self-esteem tactic.

Ah, true. Still, getting drunk and making out with drunk people is terrible advice for how to feel better about yourself. As an adult, I love drunken makeouts! But using them to bolster one's self -esteem is just no bueno.

Happy birthday! Glad you think this is strange.