
There's a very high chance the names are real; do you really think there's any chance the guys will admit it?

Everyone should bring their kids/grandkids along to vote.

This stuff IS very feminism 101 if you hang around jezebel, or do anything at all with academic feminism, or generally engage with real feminists in any way. Sadly, a lot of people — both men and women — are very, very unclear as to what feminism is, and a lot of celebrities avoid the label/avoid talking about it.

But the end! Pup is all happy again and everything's okay.


So, you don't bank online, right? Or order anything online that requires both your credit card number and billing address? And you never give your birthday to sites that have some kind of age restriction. I assume not, because then you'd be a huge hypocrite, and you seem like you are probably actually an infallible

Oh, yeah, public proposals are my worst nightmare. If someone I was crazy in love with proposed to me that way, I wouldn't marry them bc it'd show how little they knew me.

Wooo naturally awkward chicks who like casual sex!

Yeah. I just got in my head about texting him bc I don't want him to think I'm...whatever. But yeah, I actually had a thing planned to say about wanting something casual and then just got thrown off/flustered.

Right? Somehow even my guyfriends seem surprised/amused when I talk about casual sex. GUYS THIS ISN'T NEWS.

Mostly I just wanna be able to text to him hang out [casually] without him thinking it means I have Big Feelings. (I *do* have very woundable pride, but that's a whole other thing)

Right? Ugh. My feelings are more along the lines of, I wanna go to more concerts/have more sex/spend more time with people who are not grad students than I wanna...uh, I dunno, introduce him to my parents? No. No no no. No.

It's a huge decision! I can't imagine making it in a split second with no warning whatsoever.

But, I mean, I want something casual. I just hate the assumption that I don't. (I initiated the sex-having, if that makes any difference).

I just want to complain into the void (about boys):

Right; that is different than in front of a group of people you know who will know that the "yes" is immediately reversed.

If you KNOW the answer is no you should definitely say so (or defer politely); doing otherwise is cruel. But I can also imagine genuinely thinking "yes" in a combination of adrenaline/panic/pressure and then realizing it's really a "no"; while it sucks to have to flip that, better day of than any further down the

I mean, if someone you don't wanna marry publicly proposes to you, you'll probably look bad to his friends no matter what.

That's the problem with elaborate, public proposals. I feel like there would be SO much pressure to say yes. Also, a proposal should never, ever come as a total surprise. Decide you wanna spend your lives together. THEN propose at some point.

Ah, yes, good point — will keep that in mind for future reference (since I can't go back and edit now).