
Oh, yeah, that dude is totally nuts. Being stood up IS shitty, and it is a shitty thing to do in the age of cell phones when text (even an apology after several hours) isn't hard. BUT doing something disrespectful and shitty does not compare to *threats*, and also has nothing to do with dehydration.

I don't think they're *100%* artificially imposed; there are people who genuinely want those things! But there are, of course, tons of people who don't but feel like they are supposed to, that is incredibly fucked up. Somehow a thing that a large chunk of people want to do became the thing that all people MUST want,

No one is saying the girl who stood you up wasn't a jerk. She was! I've been stood up by a dude once, and it really sucked, but after 30 min of waiting I sent him a text then went out with my friends and forgot about him. But, being a jerk is not the same thing as putting someone in a physically dangerous situation,

I mean, standing someone up is NOT the way to send a message. Though I guess this maybe happened before cellphones, when it was probably a more common thing to do? But yeah they'd call you. The point, though, is that while standing someone up is a really shitty thing to do, *it's not something that puts anyone in

Most of my friends who go on okcupid etc are graduate/law/med students or have jobs that take up way more than 40 hours. Most of us don't have time to join outside things, and don't want to date our colleagues.

Yup! It happened to me this summer; a guy messaged me at the start of July 4th weekend then sent like 3 subsequent "where are you" messages. I had been hanging out with my family, grilling, beering, seeing friends, having a life outside the internet. Chilllll out.

ALSO, a lot of these women got flak after not responding for a matter of hours, or even minutes. When I'm working, or out with friends, or working out, I tend not to respond to texts from anyone unless I think it might be really urgent. Which asking for a date is not. There are times where people — both men and women

HAhahahaa. *sigh*

No, dude. I agree that in most circumstances, honesty is the best policy. But when you are putting yourself at risk of stalking, continued harassment, and/or physical violence, what then? Look at Read the stories. Listen to the stories of women in your life. Sure, plenty of times,

I actually just submitted my own story there, too.

Well when your choices are face a bunch of toads or be alone...the latter option is totally legit, but not one everyone wants.

Hehhehe. My mom would just sigh in exasperation, roll her eyes, and then start talking at him, and by the end of it he'd be crying in a ball.

Besides the sexism, racism, and aggrieved entitlement these guys show, the third guy hit on my biggest pet peeve. That is not what the fucking first amendment means, bro.

Yeah, I am currently in the "I care more about Charlotte Bronte than boys" phase of my life.

And I like going out! But for me, the ideal weekend night begins around 7 and ends around 11. Then I come home, watch Netflix, and go to sleep.

I love hearing things like this :)

Yup. As a woman in the same position (well, mid-Master's, relocating in less than 2 years) I feel the same way. Here is the thing I'll say about being noncommittal: be upfront about it. KEEP being upfront about it. I have no problem (at this point) with guys who don't want to commit; the problem is with guys who act

Ugh. Okay, it is super-shitty that men over 30 are so dismissive of women their age, and it's gross on a lot of levels; in part, I think, it's a way of maintaining a power dynamic. Gross gross gross. But wishing "women would stop indulging these manchildren" kind of squicks me out. It seems to fall into the 'women as

That sounds horrible. What are you supposed to be doing *until* the 4am party? How are you even going to have a day after that?