
And to all the people who say anything can be part of a joke: yes, but not anyone/anything can be the butt of a joke. Big (important) difference.

Not even, "she wouldn't work"; they FEEL like she wouldn't work!

and DC's is "herb,"

Sooooort of. He realizes all women are "somebody's daughter"(s). That's still personhood conferred through relation to a man. (It's a step in the right direction though)

Not necessarily. A l0t of them would be mad, but not because a HUMAN was being treated badly, but bc a woman who a) they felt possessive towards and b) who 'reflected' on them was being treated badly. There are definitely a lot of guys who are super 'chivalrous' to some women in their lives and utterly horrible to

Is there a way to fake do this? Like, only use consenting dude's dick pics, but pretend that they're stolen, and see how redditors react?

ALSO, even if what you're saying is legal (i.e., gross/nasty/slut-shamy comments that are not violent threats), doesn't mean it's not really shitty. It's not illegal to run around telling kids playing in their front yards that Santa doesn't exist and that their parents will probably die while they're still alive and

We KNOW it's "not all men," dude. We know. We also know that not only white men catcall/harrass/abuse women. But this country is designed to the unique benefit of white men, and thus ALL white men have/have grown up with privileges (regardless of class privilege/lack thereof), and many of these privileges come at the

Well, a lot of schools will kick people out for things that AREN'T illegal, like cheating on an exam. They'll kick students out for plagiarism, for drug use; even for enough counts of underage drinking. When schools do this, they often say it's because that person was damaging to the community or to the reputation of

I am not trying to be the pedantic ass I'm gonna sound like, but do you mean tragedy or travesty here? I could kind of see either word fitting in, but people mix them up so often.

That's a good point. I was gonna say something similar to the above, but yeah — materializing the weight you're already carrying around so other people have to deal with it, too.

Well, for one thing, you always wanna use day-old challah that's just the sliiiightest bit stale.

God, I think my reaction might have been to go puke in the bathroom for a while, then hug myself and cry. Probably still in the bathroom.


The middle one looks kind of like my niece. Every time I see her, I have to remind myself about 50,000 times that I don't *actually* want babies rightthissecond.

(I was not being serious. That was intended as mockery of 'Gutenberg' and his ilk).

You don't have to be! Though I guess living in a place with Jews helps. The bread is light, eggy, fluffy and just a tad sweet — it absorbs maximum flavor with minimum sogginess. But creme brûlée French toast also sounds amazing. (And my comp did that fancy thing to brûlée for me, bc I am not fancy).

I want all of them.

Some assholes tip well, some don't.

Well in the states, customers basically decide what a server earns in a night. So if a server wants to be able to make rent, they generally have to be polite to a lot of assholes.