
French toast is made with challah, end of story.

Delicious if fried. Gross if soggy and then covered in things to make it more soggy.

Yeah, I definitely ate dog food at some point. And horse feed.

When I was a little kid, I always watched people lick the frosting off candles. At maybe my third or fourth birthday, I was given a candle to lick frosting off like the big kids. Except, I didn't know that's what they were actually doing. I ate the entire candle, and then disposed of the string on my plate super

But...but doesn't everyone care about my boner!?!?

That seems like MUCH a more effective way to get at least some kids to wait a bit before having sex/be safe once they start than preaching abstinence (then again, pretty much anything is better than preaching abstinence only).

That's great to hear. Thankfully, I have never been in a physically abusive relationship, but I spent a long, long time in a pretty emotionally devastating one; it's encouraging to hear about people who have come out of terrible relationships and found good ones.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad you got out and found a good therapist.

I see. It did sound a little like you were, but it also sounded the original poster was. But yeah, that "your love can change him bullshit" is definitely part of it — I've had a theory for awhile that despite Belle having an actual personality and being smart, "Beauty & The Beast" is the most insidious children's

If abusers weren't great at manipulating people, no one would stay in abusive relationships. Abusive relationships are often very complicated, and abuse can creep in slowly. Sometimes it's hard to recognize from the inside until it's too late. Can we not blame abuse on the 'insanity' of those being abused?

I can't tell if this person is trolling or reallllllly dumb. In response to his "she's beautiful" statement I said it doesn't matter; he somehow doesn't see how those two statements connect.

Uh, just to help you out with some of what I was responding to:

Dude, women have gotten famous *just* for leaked naked photos. This is not just about her level of celebrity.

Haha yeah, that is one of the more self-damning statements I've seen in awhile.

I too have taken many life lessons from Ms. Horowitz.

Yup. I've emailed photos of my adorable niece to my best friends, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do; if those were shared everywhere, I'd be furious.

And yet at least some of the men who are shaming women for taking naked photos have probably sent dick pics to girls they barely know.

Because she didn't want other people seeing her naked. It doesn't matter whether or not she's hot. That's not the point. She probably doesn't want a bunch of dudes sitting in their mothers' basements and jacking off to her photos. Even famous women have a right to their own damn bodies, and the right to decide what to

Why not? What if you're in a LDR? What if you look really hot one day, and you're like "fuck yeah" and take the picture to remind yourself of the day you looked really hot?

The comments on the gawker article are so gross.