
Mostly, I hope she reacts the way Ann Hathaway did to Matt Lauer (sadly I can't find a gif).

Yes. They should certainly be as upset as they damn well please, and the statement about their hotness is...yeah.

Uggggh. That logic is basically "Well, she exists, so...she probs wanted [insert gross violation here]."

I completely understand your criticism, but I think I kind of get what Kenneth Parcell was saying. Women are simultaneously told our bodies are for public consumption *and* that nudity is shameful (girls being sent home for wearing tank tops; women being shamed for breastfeeding their kids). These women should react

I respect her punning.

Yeah, god, what a slutty slut-slut, taking photos of herself for herself or specific people with whom she wanted to share them!!!! Don't these ladies know that if they want to appreciate their own bodies or share them with people they're dating, they SHOULD share them with EVERYONE?

About everything all the time. Not knowing is the worst!

Panic attacks feel like you are dying. Actually dying. Or going crazy, in the "I am 100% positive if anyone sees me they will commit me" way. You can get physical symptoms too — full body rashes, cold sweats, massive heart palpitations.

Can you get something of your friend's that smells like her/her old home? When we got my first dog, he had to sleep with a blankie that smelled like his mom for the first several weeks; he'd cry without it. Eventually, he became super attached to us/the smells of our home instead.

Well, I would say there is a difference between giving a superhero superhuman muscles and somewhat desexualizing him (but maybe he tucks!), and hyper-sexualizing a superheroine rather than giving her muscles too. (Note her complete absence of biceps).

It's less what women used to look like (overall, not that different I assume) and more what was/is idealized/desirable. Which is interesting to see change/not change.

My mom.

My mom regularly works with her laptop on the stove. Now, I have reason to yell at her for it.

Also to both of you: telling people it's okay to not be okay is SO refreshing to hear. I have been dealing with a lot of shitty shit lately and people keep asking me if it's "better now," and I feel like an ass if I say "no" and a liar if I say "yes." It's okay to not be okay sometimes.

For the Spock-like logical part of you: do some research on the brain chemistry behind anxiety disorders. That might help you be less frustrated by her, which will in turn help you help her.

I think the Burton version was truer to the letter of the book, but the Gene Wilder version was much truer to the feel.

In the book, I think it's both his mom and Grandpa Joe. I'm most familiar with the Gene Wilder version, but I'm pretty sure the book has two 'parents' accompanying each kid.

Oh, I absolutely think it should be legal; it will happen no matter what, and the women (and yes, men) who do it should be protected by law. If it were legal AND more common/visible for men to do it (both of those things together), I think it would help w some of my concerns, though not all.

To make a massive generalization, I think that people who have been treated unfairly for any number of reasons go in one of two directions — bitterness (by which I really mean 'Nice Guys TM') — or sympathy.

What?? What dating service is this?