
My oldest brother, who is 8 years older than me, is a married doctor with a kid. My mom constantly muses that it would be "nice" if my niece had her cousins her own age...

What if you are so short, you have never met a man shorter than you? I generally consider any human over 5'6 "tall."

I have complicated feelings on sex work. People like dominatrixes who fulfill very specific fantasies seem pretty empowered and cool. But while sex-shaming women for sex-work is really shitty, I feel like a lot of sex-worker-customer-relationships solidify the way a lot of men think of women anyway. When it comes to

Plus: Pie Truck.

I feel like this is both everything wrong and everything right about New York.

Anything involving gross substances being forcibly inserted into a vagina = way grosser than doing also-gross shit to a corpse.

Yes. I know that this is different, but I try to be candid about my experiences with depression. A lot of why I try to be candid to destigmatize the illness. Still, it terrifies me every time I have to "come out" about dealing with MDD to new people.

Right. I'd have been down if she was like "since you're monogamously married, you should give thought to how you can come out such that it is clear nothing's changing. That might take some time to figure out, so maybe sit on this decision a little bit until you feel you've found the right way to do so."

1. That is ridiculous and I am sorry people are dicks.

Yes, keeping all your feelings inside is always the best!!!! It is totally 100% healthy, and dammit, it's the American way!

I mean, I don't think it is *necessary* to come out to her family if she doesn't want to, because no, it is not relevant to the life she's living. But its not being necessary in no way means she shouldn't do it; it sounds like she wants to be open with her family, so she should be.

Where were you when I got this message?? That's the perfect reply.

I mean, if those are the only two options, I don't know which I'd answer. I feel like the only correct answer is "who cares/do what you want/it's your body not mine." So I'd probably give about as much credence to "cool!" as "not cool." That's more on the framers of the question than anything else.

Of course we shouldn't hide her, that's ridiculous and an extreme. Treating her like all the other big shot actors and actresses there would be dandy. And...yes? I'm not saying she doesn't have the right to decide to get up there and do her thing, but I think calling it a "statement" is a lame excuse. I don't think

Sure, but the problem with doing things 'ironically' is that you are still doing those things. In a world where women are displayed/viewed like objects unironically all the time, an 'ironic' display is still displaying a gorgeous woman as an object.

Yep. Although if they thought people in general who had a lot of sex were somehow defective, probably still not a great sign.

Well, when you rate someone highly you can't always see all their info, like their questions. I have done that when the people who messaged me turned out to have racist/sexist/homophobic/just plain dumb answers.

I dunno, I have had guys say really awful things to me online and less awful but still bad ones in person; I far prefer the worst online stuff to the just plain bad in person stuff, bc the latter actually scares me.

ONE message ever has gotten to my self-esteem. It was so fucking icky.

I have dated decent people from online and awful people from real life. I have multiple friends in happy online relationships. You have to wade through as much shit online as you do in a bar, except you're usually not drunk and you have the living memory preserved in text. It's a cesspool, sure, but so is the bar