
There are a few questions that do it for. Are women obligated to shave their legs? Should men be the heads of the household? Would you strongly prefer to date someone of your own skin color? A 'yes' on any of those is an immediate dismiss.

When you both pick 4 or 5 stars though, you get an email saying "You like each other!"

How is a snarky reply an "overreaction" and a long spiel not?

Yeah someone tried to neg me in a bar once. I was drunk so I just looked at him, told him I had to pee, and walked off. It is very confusing.

I think with younger kids the solution would be pre-school care, like after-school care. There could be free breakfasts for kids in financial need, and the options of nap time or quiet reading/coloring time. And coffee for the teachers.

I am sorry if that came off as derailing. I'm interested in details because I'm interested in things that would make prosecution more successful, and I am interested in things that would make prevention more successful. But it is essential that there are lots of people focused on the big picture and on the

What about a case where a man and a woman have blackout drunk sex, and the woman wakes up feeling great about 'cause she was looking to get laid that night (that is a thing that definitely happens), and the man wakes up feeling awful and violated? I am not asking this to troll; I am genuinely concerned w this

Yeah, I don't think they take up THAT much room. If they do, uh, call a doctor.

My person (who is a family member) is trying to quit — he's in an in-patient rehab facility of his own accord, he's leaving the city that housed his addiction — but it's hard as fuck.

Thank you. I really just want information and understanding; those are the things that tend to make me feel better over being told it'll all be okay.

Yeah. I think it is super normal to be both psyched and terrified and amazed and really sick of not being able to lie on your stomach.

But there needs to be *more* than just prosecution.

If it helps, my sis in law wavered between "HOLY SHIT WHY" and "this will be amazing!" her whole pregnancy; lil one is 8 months now and she's absolutely loving it (though also finds it difficult and exhausting and at times frustrating, bc let's be real — but for her the good faaaaaaaar outweighs the not-so-good).

I've been on sleep meds since I was 12. I've tried to break it several times (like, going off for a month at a time), and I've just had to accept I need the meds. My instincts are still super-weird, but medicine really does help me regulate. You can try natural stuff like Malatonin, OTC like AdvilPM or ZZyquil, or

Hey all, I know this might stick in the greys, but any good book recommendations for people who have a loved one battling addiction? Nothing with platitudes, please.

I would like this! I've only been commenting for 9 or 10 months, but it'd be nice to be out of the greys if possible.

My assumption was "grad student." I told my mom I wanted to "professionally read stories," and now I'm studying narrative theory in grad school.

Gross. A dude did that to my bff freshman year of college, and both she and I thought it was gross but didn't realize it was, in fact, assault. He did it to a few more girls, and then senior year, he raped someone. In retrospect, not the least surprising. That shit needs to be caught and addressed as early as possible

Honestly, I don't think that's true.

I mean, we ARE feminists, so I guess one can't expect us to be reasonable about anything ever. So yes, if a white male cures breast cancer, we should be furious!!!!