
They're *really* not. Yes, people with kids can talk about them wayyyy too much, sure. But while having dogs (which I used to) can present challenges and requires a certain amount of responsibility, it is nothing like having young children (which I don't, but I am capable of empathizing with people in different

Eh, the third friend just seems kind of oblivious/socially incompetent. Doesn't necessarily make her an asshole.

I think with that, you can say something like "I want you to be in little Jormp_Jomp's life, but if you can't control what you say around him/her, we'll have to limit visits to [pick a holiday]."

You don't always have that option with family. Sometimes the choices are deal with the unpleasant person or cut your family off altogether.

Yeah, and I think there are people who are generally good people, but grew up in particularly racist environments; they've thrown off the blatant racism they've grown up with but still have certain entrenched ways of thinking/blindness to privilege etc. I think with those people, it all comes down to how they handle

I'd assume the latter. If you can't be friends with someone who's friends with someone who's...influenced by culture? can't have friends, and also really lack nuance. I have a problem being friends with blatantly racist people; when it comes to people who are ignorant in small ways, I try to a) be understanding

I feel like I'd rather skip out on the bread and just eat big spoonfuls of peanut-butter. (Also, this friend isn't exactly loaded, but he can definitely afford sandwich fixings)

That just makes me want tiramisu.

Ughh yeah the "come in the car!" thing happened when I was 16, at an empty bus stop, with no one else around (pre-cell phone). They kept asking me, and once I lied about having a boyfriend and they FINALLY left, I sprinted the mile back to my friend's.

My mom DOES let my dad do the driving, but only bc he's the worst backseat driver. But there is no church, and he does the grocery shopping/cooking. So she's probs doing it wrong.

I used to feel that way, but there's plenty of great country! Or, at the very least, decidedly inoffensive country.

I made it all the way to 2:26! Must be 'cause I'm tough enough to break a heart.

Sometimes being the target of catcalling is *confusing* — the last time a guy stuck his head out of a car and "hey baby-ed" me I was literally crying into a bowl of ice cream as I walked. I am a red-blotchy-faced crier. Things like that convince me it's rarely about finding people sexy/attractive (although I'm small

I'm assuming a place that requires mostly driving — no walking or public transport. The first time I was catcalled I was 12, and at 12 I looked like a 10-yr-old with braces.

I thought that actually WAS a law, but it seems to vary state by state.


Canned tomatoes work better than paste, but are still cheap and available any season.

Ugh yes, I even get annoyed when people make pasta and don't *immediately* sauce it.