@Dugazi: Also, Gmail does much more than just email, so unless Fmail(?) duplicates all of them, and does it better, I see no reason to switch.
@Dugazi: Also, Gmail does much more than just email, so unless Fmail(?) duplicates all of them, and does it better, I see no reason to switch.
Aeroplane! Colour! Defence!
Dr. Bronner's is amazing.
Kind of like what Jon Stewart and Reverend Sir Doctor Steven Colbert do......
@Zelda did it!: But sitting in front of a TV (albeit, an awesome one) vs. jumping off the Burj Khalifa.
Wait, why wouldn't you want to do your own stunts?
It's not the video you think it is.
@Kelvar Menace: You just pimp slapped String Theorists.
What I got from this is more shock = better.
@Dexomega: Shaddup you. I'm having my daily dose of fun.
@The Dead Kennedy: BUM BUM BUMMMMMM!!!!!!!
@The Dead Kennedy: But there's a twist!
Nonsense, just find the key.....
Is the lead shot from Episode 2?
I still like Google, and I still highly disapprove of the government.
Looks fun.
@Reavyn: Very good point, but that's pretty much my only beef with both shows.
I'm going to re-watch it tonight in HD, but even in a crappy early release I could tell that the CGI really need to be stepped up a notch.
Starship Enterprize?