
Lies and slander. I'm very well under 30, and yet I went to the 1998 re-launch of A New Hope in theaters, met ol' George himself, all when I was naught but a babe.

I have a penis (read: I'm a dude) and I don't wear my boxers for more than a shower cycle, which is almost always 24 hours.

Can't reply to you in #whitenoise, but greys such as me can't post there. You're correct.

And you leave out Teal'c.....

Sounds proper too me.

The other reason why I'm planning to buy a Kindle.

@jturnbow: I take offense to that comment. Many Americans have a superb grasp of the English language, and just because one resides in American does not mean that one must be an intellectual midget.

@murhoy: Wont: One’s habitual way of doing things; To make (someone) used to; to accustom; To be accustomed; Accustomed or used (to or with a thing); Accustomed, apt (to doing something)

@murhoy: Please, point out an error.

Like I've been saying for all these years, if the USA and Russia just nuked it out, everyone would die and all the plants would thrive!

This past Wednesday, we had Jean-Jacques Hublin come and lecture to my Genetics & Evolution class on his research into Neanderthals.

@allstyle777: Nah, use a MOAB, or if we really need a bang, call the Russians and get a FOAB.

@Liam: Gay can also be two women.

@MifuneT: If you want a tank, try a 1999 Ford Expedition.

This is why I dream.

@Cinnamoncanuck: I'd nominate the finale from "A Study in Pink"

Now playing

Star Wars OT and Lord of the Rings EE are my two most hoped for Blu-rays.