@Canon7D-Fanboy: Aren't you forgetting about a little group of probes named Voyager?
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Aren't you forgetting about a little group of probes named Voyager?
@freelunch: If I notice people staring at me, I do the same as you. Meet their stare, and wait for them to break it.
@TheLolotov: I prefer a 3-5" knife. It's small enough to be concealed, easily and readily accessible, and with really throw any potential mugger if you pull a blade when the try to rob you.
@Chroma3000: Say hello to OS XI.
@cheese1756: Shaddup, Linux freak.
My oh my is SGU getting amazing.
@twophrasebark: Ok, this was hilarious.
I think it should read SATA 3TB drives.
@Slinkytech: Not really.
So, anywhere we want, eh?
@laughingisfree: You shall be missed.
@mattycakes: Bullshit.
I mean, does this guy need anything more to impress you?
You could have some serious fun with a full body version.
@ergheiz: I did.
Find me a chart that show every iOS permutation, including the ones that use different jailbreak methods, and the chart will look a helluva a lot like these.
@Alfisted: Oh, very good, very good indeed.
What on earth was this guy tripping on?
This headline is fear mongering at it's finest.
Does this mean Santa isn't real.....?