
Every day I bring in my own green tea bags (homemade) and I've had to convince my dean that "green leaves rolled into paper" isn't necessarily pot.

See! Learning isn't always good!

I think that you repeated a sentence in the first and second paragraphs.

@joshl: That's the first sentence. The next 4 explain what Wave - Particle duality is.

@Philip Han: Yes, it is. And it is also a wave. All forms of electromagnetic radiation are.


See, now I might actually go watch Swordfish.

How is light both a particle and a wave?

@junior ghoul: Well, I'm talking about a few hundred years in the future, when we have FTL ships, and going to other planets and whatnot.

@junior ghoul: Yeah, nothing about other planets or all that jazz.

I'm gonna love exploring space, assuming I live long enough.

Hey, I'm down.

@xd.Balls: [Insert rebuttal showing average # of people to average # of sheep per year]

"Correlation does not imply causation."

Somehow, even with access to an amount of inappropriate content that would've sent my cohort over the edge, they still have time for Bieber.

So where does LTE fall in all this?

So what might these 60 reasons be?

I'm breeding fruit flies in a genetics class right now. Mine are going to have vestigial (stunted) wings, just so they can't fly anywhere, making them easy to handle. Hell, they won't even be flies anymore, more like fruit hops.