@Tony Kaye: If I saw a cop carrying one of those, I'd think more than twice about trying anything.
@Tony Kaye: If I saw a cop carrying one of those, I'd think more than twice about trying anything.
@Tony Kaye: Whatever for? Private security?
@Tony Kaye: RCP 90 Dual Wield
@achalddave: Check your private messages.
@w00zzy: His comment was disemvoweled, as well as him being banned, simply for a shoddy history of comments, flinging insults, and an overall lack of contribution.
@espinha: Ok, the physics of chopsticks are still a little fuzzy, but we have a general grasp on what to do if and when we actually find chopsticks.
@espinha: Sending something to another planet a few times is bounds easier than stopping something that has more energy than several hundred hydrogen bombs.
@ziffelbat: I'm perfect in EVERY way!
@haxorknight: See below.
Who the hell carries a floppy disk around so that s/he can use it as a shiv in case of an assault?
@Mattizzle: Dude, shut up, you're making sense.
@Frank Manda: I didn't conveniently leave it out, it is a fact that Apple didn't create anything on the list besides Mini DispalyPort, and you claimed that Apple has created tons of open standards, as well as used them.
@Frank Manda: I did in fact read your comment, and I got a star through a love affair with a unicorn. Long story.
@20tolife: Hey, insulting people without cause is a nice way to meet my friend, the banhammer.
Hehe, this shit ain't gonna happen. What crazy person would let someone trademark a word?
@techapocalypse: I'll give Apple the USB push, they were the first major manufacturer to include USB ports in all their computers.
@Mavlis: Yes. This. I agree.
@The Terminator: Is it remotely possible that Rosa was showcasing another of history's great inventions, as to show the level of epicness she is seeking from the submissions?