@dallasmay: No, just sell an additional "Apple TV Remote" that is based off the iPhone, just without the cell phone, and a little thinner, kinda like.... the iPod Touch.
@dallasmay: No, just sell an additional "Apple TV Remote" that is based off the iPhone, just without the cell phone, and a little thinner, kinda like.... the iPod Touch.
@Chon: Only?
What advantage would/does the Apple TV have over my Xbox 360/Playstation 3?
@Kirkaiya: Exactly. If someone makes an .iso of something like an install disk for an OS, it can be heavily compressed, and hence save space in the download.
Well, he sold $1M worth of software....
Now I have an excuse to stick forks in electrical sockets!
@Kirkaiya: If the .RAR is a compressed .RAR, then there is a reason.
@Kirkaiya: I think you replied to the wrong person.
@GadgetGuy247: First, punctuation. Use it.
I hate movie that are in .RAR files with a passion.
@Jestermeister: The worst is when you don't click it. It doesn't do anything!
If you like the Droid 2 (I don't really), and haven't picked it up, this place has the Droid 2 for $75 with contract.
@stpierreluke: They do have one for cancer research.
@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Ha! Your avatar is teh clever.
@Prostate of Grace: You changed you name?!
See, I'm willing to do this in a second, I'm in San Francisco, I have a good laptop, I have the internetz nailed, I like writing, but I'm not 18 for another 2 months and 11 days.
It needs to grow significantly, but I'm really digging the interface and feel of the site.
@flacster: They have some. It is still in the baby stage, and will grow.
I'll believe it when I see it.