@Hackintosh: The Dream Is Real: I would do unspeakable things for FM and AM radio on my iPod.
@Hackintosh: The Dream Is Real: I would do unspeakable things for FM and AM radio on my iPod.
@cormack: But I will promote you.
Hell, clear a few of those tree, till the soil, and you could grow your own food like I do!
Please don't. I already have to love Android, and I'm not sure if there is enough love to spread around.
@w00tmonger: Apple pisses me off to no end with requiring that I use their program.
Get me a LEGO scale model of the Golden Gate Bridge and I'll be on it like shit on Velcro.
@WestwoodDenizen: It needs one. The lock screen could be used for so much, and yet it's left blank year after year.
@somidscr21: When you compare 10.6 to 7, it's sad how bad 10.6 seems.
@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: Sony is wallowing in the mud, and I can't see them getting out any time soon.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I was talking about 7, and all that.
@b33g33: This made me crack up.
iOS hasn't really had any revolutionary changes since 2.0, when the App store was added. I can't recall what 3.0 allowed you to do, but it wasn't much. 4.0 gave us a form of multitasking, that hasn't really satisfied my need, and some tweaks that allowed for improved app management.
@RainyDayInterns: Microsoft has been kicking ass recently.
I drink green tea. Less caffeine, but tastes so much better.
@SKiTz: The end of Season 2 is a great ending, and an amazing fucking episode, but it's so great that you'll want more.
@FrankenPC: Well, I think that Android would be faster and more optimized, but W7 is much better for openness.
@hawkeye18: Running three WD drives in this comp, and all are more than 4 years old and still going strong.
show a little moxy
@SKiTz: I got my first star argueing with Jason Chen about that show.