
@ThaMofo: I would like to know this too. I also don't understand why special TVs are needed for 3D. Isn't all of the encoding in the image, not the TV? Computer screens can handle the Avatar type of 3D (mine at least), but I was wondering if there is an easy way to make 3D images.

@Roy Bourcier: Really? Pathetic? Is this coming from a downhill racer or just some internet snot?

Let me inject a opinion from someone who does crazy shit like this. I am currently a downhill racer in California, and the last thing going through your mind is the speeds you travel at, or the danger you could be in. If you hold back at all in these sports, you won't do well. When I am speeding down a hill at 30+

@Kobun: I am Irish and I am neither.

Even in the Beta, (awesome btw), people will swear if something a tank is raping a spawn or something.

If you lump all of the PSP versions together, you have to lump all the DS versions together. The DS has many incremental revisions, but no major changes. In that case, the DS is dominating.

@dracosummoner: She was the kid who never played Duck Hunt.

"Walmart, Best Buy Close Down Trade-In Kiosks"

@GeneralBattuta: Woops, my friend is Spartan 221, John is Spartan 117. My bad, you are completely correct.

@buddhathing: I do this with every iPod I get. Apple is great about accepting products back, so if there is even a tiny issue when my warranty is coming up, I return it for a refurbished iPod.

@GeneralBattuta: "And not to be an ubernerd but John is Spartan-117."

@NeonLight: Well it is confirmed that Noble Team will participate in Reach, but I am not sure who you will play as. There is one Spartan II involved, but I think the Reach trailer shows you being a newbie, leading me to concur that the protagonist will most probably be a Spartan 3.

If we play as John, Spartan 221, The Master Chief, then the story is already decided. They will need a new protagonist if the story is to be original. It can't be any of the surviving Spartans on Reach, because we already know their story. I am kinda lost as to who they will make the main character be.

Trying to play Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta on PC but EA had royally screwed us over. Incredible amounts of lag, master server connection issues, and did I mention the lag?

Good job, Rena.

"The LP2 models loose a little definition"

You people are going about this all wrong. Clearly the worker filling the 27 inch screens with urine just isn't drinking enough water. I did a manual refill on a 27 incher (after 6 cups of tea) and the yellow color is completely gone!

You insult us monkeys by comparing us to that degenerate, Michael Bay. Has his movie ever aired alongside Obama's speeches? Hmmmmm? Well, Mr. Nosowitz? I don't think I'm the one with a lemon-sized brain.