@Segador: I was reading some article somewhere, some time ago, and someone who worked on Half-Life (1 & 2) said that Episodes 1, 2 and 3 should really have been named Half-Life 3 Part 1, 2 and 3.
@Segador: I was reading some article somewhere, some time ago, and someone who worked on Half-Life (1 & 2) said that Episodes 1, 2 and 3 should really have been named Half-Life 3 Part 1, 2 and 3.
I naturally speed read, my current record is 1 hour and 20 minutes for a 300 page book. Still haven't met anyone who reads as fast as I do. It's also funny because I was essentially illiterate until 2nd grade.
@Koztah: If he were a driver I would definitely buy the game. Hell, if he were your coach or even the person controlling the lights I would buy the game. But alas, it is not so.
@denki: I have Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, got my version from a British store. Canadia would be a great place to get Au Congo, it's like a loft apartment over a really froody party.
@denki: Here in America, I grew up reading Tintin and Asterix. Where in the hell did you get Tintin Au Congo? I believe it is the only one I haven't read.
@deanbmmv: Finally someone else that uses this! PC Gamers will always be ahead of the consoles, people. Learn to love that fact.
@SlurpeeNinja: Very much so, but if I may add a little something, I think Owen should have been covered in the contents of the explosion, thus explaining why he fears construction site port-o-potties.
@Stndsh0: No image in above post.
I think BC2 will have native 3D support. From EA's blog.
@zardoz555: I wonder if you could pre-order, get a code, then cancel the order after the beta is done?
You're implying that you have had to break out of a construction site port-a-potty, right? Wana tell that story?
What type of glasses should be used to view these pictures in 3D? I have tried all the pairs and types I could find around me house but none of them work. I think one may have actually been a kaleidoscope.
In my book, The Battlefield series wins online everytime. I have loved it since 1942 and have loved CoD for just as long. I really think that Battlefield wins because of the squads and such.
@gordiehowe5: Nintendo's format came first, Microsoft is the one who needs to change the controller.
As long as you can kneecap people to disable them, I would be all for it. I don't want to have someone surrender only to have them attack me when I turn to kill their buddy.
@deanbmmv: The DSi actually support another standard, but I can't remember the name.
Anyone know what those say? Offhand, I think it may be asking if they want to reboot in Safemode, but I am not sure.
You're right, it would have been bad, but imagine the pageviews. Oh, the pageviews.
I already have a 4.1 system in my laptop. Toshiba X-205 has an amazing harmon/kardon speaker system.
That is a boatload of features, but how many of them are new? Anyone got a list of old(er) Kindle features handy?