@Michael Dukakis: John Williams is the man.
@Michael Dukakis: John Williams is the man.
@njdevil: I wouldn't mind Colbert in 3D. It would make his finger pointing so much more scarier.
@Ben Nadler: I agree with you, just watched both and Philanthropy is much more polished. Here is a link for download.
If people don't mind some dealing with pirates, here is a link (haha?) to the movie torrent.
They have crazy Leprechauns and ponytail bandits with deathhands in Zelda now? What?
This is why someone needs to build a Metal Gear and have a duke out, preferably somewhere epic.
@The5thElephant: I reject your reality and substitute my own.
@Mercsenary: Air is only good in moderation?
My huge and only beef with Natal is that it cannot be used by itself. With the Wii, at least you can still have buttons for basic commands. How well would any FPS work on Natal. Pulling the trigger? Didn't think so. I can't see it being used universally because it would be impossible to hold a 360 controller and use…
Well I also know that he was French. So take that Mr. Luke Plunkett.
@OzymandiasX: Moby Dick had 200 pages on giblets. Can you imagine playing through that?
@bakagaijin: It is terrible. I got the game, it is sorta broken. PC should be the most supported platform. And dedicated servers are some much better, it is amazing how many hackers there are on MW2 now.
@Win Laik Pya: I took some of those ideas from His Dark Materials trilogy, which is based on Paradise Lost. I agree it would be a sick game.
@Alex_Mexico: Never played the God of War series, wouldn't know jack shit about the story. All I know is that Kratos kills a bunch of the Gods and teams up with the Titans.
@Kanji08: He wouldn't be able to destroy you for the same reason that he couldn't destroy the Devil. Hell was created by the lack of God, for and by Lucifer and his minions. God can't mess with something he didn't create. Since Dante would be the new Head Honcho down there, God wouldn't be able to touch him unless…
@Stndsh0: I can't edit the comment for some reason but here are my thoughts, continued.
They could do some extreme bending and have the sequel be a fight into heaven to confront God or something. They need to have an epic twist at the end of Inferno to make a sequel possible.
@Mr-MKB-Fox: Super Mario Galaxy 2 also comes out around then.
Handbrake kinda ruined itself with the lastest update. No .avi support? Really? What are the Pirates supposed to do now?
What a good ad to put on the opposite side of the road with a turn coming up and a hard-to-see gray thing underneath.