
This is trying way too hard. Bleach Boy is a terrible nickname, and I hope it sticks with him forever as penance for being an attention whore.

Kevin Sumlin likes Drake, so your argument is invalid.

Nick Saban responded, “What is ‘music?’ It sounds pointless.”

Towns from downtown! Downs from towntown! Down from twontwon! Twontwon from down! twon

This is a good sports night!

The real problem is why, exactly, is the NFL handing out suspensions for off field criminal activity in the first place, as if they are some stand in judge and jury for when a case slips through the cracks legal system? The problem is that it establishes the totally ludicrous scenario where the NFL and the public have

The fact that Collin Powell shows up in the new Corvette only means one thing. Biden and Powell are running in 2020 under a new Car Party. Lets get the campaign started.

Is JB the new Bill Brasky?

When will school administrations and faculty get more liberal?!?!

I guarantee you’d be nowhere to be found if this was pertaining to Islam.

I felt the same way when my dog died. I still feel that way! I catch myself nursing the grief sometimes, and he died over two years ago. It’s okay. Eventually you get to smile and remember and talk about it and then go, “Man, I sure do miss him.”

Aw, Burneko, not a question, I just wanted to mention that this really touched me. I lost my beloved pup three weeks ago, and my mother keeps telling me it’ll get better, and I’ve told her that I don’t WANT it to get better. If it gets better, that means I’m letting the sadness of losing him go and getting further

Weird. That’s not what you wrote, I can see what you wrote and you’re claiming otherwise.

So, dressing up as Hollywood Indians is racist but using names of various Indian Nations in really funny puns is not?

Ascribing a single behavior to only one race IS racism.

I think most are dead.

From the title, I was really hoping this was a story about a band destroying a town in Florida.

hell-a (/ˈhelə/)
1. Wicked

Regardless of how you feel about pipelines or fossil fuels or native peoples this is a master class is government fuckery. Basically, a company says, “Hey, i want to build a pipeline (bc train cars are stupid)”, and then a bunch of government acronyms reviewed and approved it, notably the Army Corp of Engineers. And

He is really Samoan ‘em down.