Stanislas Bartosiewicz

The way his tail curves between his legs with every jump makes Gex look like a living erection. That’s ok with me.

Yeah. In spite of all its flaws I’m still damn happy to be a EU citizen :)

Well at least we got legislation. It may not amount to much and be clunky as hell but it’s there. From now on any company engaging in business in the EU involving personal data processing will have to :

Thank you SO MUCH

Sir. Please remove your head from within your anus. To even imply that BF1 can be used as a proxy to understanding the great war is to cheapen its historical, social and cultural significance as the first of the two bloodiest conflicts in human history. Not to mention trivialising the memory of those who suffered

I think it’s what the game intends.

Weird how Papers Please a game made by a westerner about a fictional version of a soviet republic can find acclaim in spite of being filled to the brim with clichés and things that might be considered reductive, but when a belarus developer does his take on a noir US-inspired police narrative it is instantly dismissed