
Hahah, it’s funny because he’s a violent abusive misogynist who brutalized his ex-wife, a woman 23 years his junior, and then capped it off by suing her for millions of dollars, making his ruination of his life complete, and now a major media conglomeration, which put this garbage on basically every network on TV last


Just another reminder of what a massive sea change LotR was for the movie industry and popular entertainment in general. Yes, Jackson and his collaborators took liberties with the material, but but the trilogy mostly true to the source material. Because everyone involved realized that people wanted to see LotR movies,

It’s fine. The combination of religious overtones and DJ Khalid’s voice ruin it.

They’re just aborting the free press before it can even be born.

God this country sucks, LOL! It’s 2022 and women and minorities are having to fight again for rights we thought were well established.

I think it was retconned that the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants was like, a reclamation thing. Like “Oh they think we’re EVIL? Then we’ll embrace that.”

Jesus Christ, how much is WB Discovery paying all you to promote this damn show? Was "House of the Dragon Week" not enough?

“I have been praying, and I have been praying so hard to God would close the mouths of the enemy.”

It’s wild that she is trying to call out the doc because it putting more focus on the doc.

Is this the daughter whose child died and she wasn’t allowed to grieve, because it would have conflicted with Shamblin’s public prosperity gospel-driven “I can do all things through God which strengthens me blah blah blah” persona? 

I guess we know now why he wanted more kids around so badly.

Alabama is a Stop and ID state so technically you are correct.

While many surely still remain in the anti-Amber Heard camp, MTV may find that support for Depp has dwindled in the months since the verdict. In July, fans of the actor chipped in to unseal court documents that ended up looking much “worse for Johnny,” a legal expert told Rolling Stone

An AI with no agency”

The Venn diagram of people who use the term “cancel culture” and those who are racist is a circle.

If a White puppeteer makes a Chinese puppet and speaks like a Chinese person in broken English that is racist. It’s bad. Not good. This is the same thing. Minstrel shows and racial parodies are bad.

Neither do some of the folks writing articles around here.

The issue with Brock is that he never once even tried to apologize or admit he made a mistake.  He doesn’t think he did anything wrong.   So it makes sense to warn locals because right now the only lesson Brock seemed to learn from this is don’t get caught 

Rape apologist, eh? Cool....