
Your notifications deserve to be set on fire for the idea that “Jordan Peterson can tell you how to be a good man.” He’s a bigoted, misogynistic hack. (

I’d be happy if they got themselves an Editorial staff that do their job.

A reminder for all our super-racist friends out there:

She could have said that instead of specifically complaining about the cleavage in this particular film all of which happened to belong to one particular actor.

Star Trek incels are this turned up to 11.  Just a dude in a full Starfleet uniform complaining about woke politics infringing on his Section 31 fanfic

It’s the same thing as the incels saying “Star Trek is woke now”.

Exactly. Stan Lee was pushing for (and delivering) diversity and inclusion over sixty years ago.

Stenberg just sent a single damn DM that could be a joke or not, which Wilson could have ignored or asked for clarification on - Wilson seems to be a thin-skinned asshole who was spoiling for a fight, as well as desperately wanting ALL THE ATTENTION.

They weren’t reading any of them. The barely know the alphabet. They found their way to Marvel via the early movies about Iron Man, the flying, electric, elon musk of their dreams.

Honestly I don’t blame Stenberg for saying something snarky. Have you seen the movie?? It’s not sexualizing anyone. It’s a slasher, funny movie but there really are not any tits or sex in it... except if you count her wearing a tank top. I have no idea what movie this woman was watching if that is what she got from

LOL. Of course his politics are shit. He will proudly support any candidate, however morally repugnant, and gladly wave goodbye to abortion rights if it means tax breaks for him and his billion dollar spaceship nonsense.

Isn’t it sad when Nazis are ashamed to be Nazis?

Man-children whining about a beloved Marvel character getting a chance to shine with a teevee series is beyond pathetic.

Lesbian or not, it’s clear the author of the review is using her white womanhood to try and become the victim when messaged by a black actress she wrote a review on. 

I didn’t know Mark Millar commented on Gizmodo

1.) These statues are corporate art produced by the studio as a glorified victory lap/promotional material at Gilligan’s request. The city didn’t pay for any of it. You don’t really need to have strong feelings on them any more than you would a toothpaste commercial.

I don’t think it’s fair to say that it’s the Minneapolis teachers themselves that are mad about this. The teacher’s union was was very vocal about this being a priority during the strike. It was something that was well known to the teachers when they voted on the contract and 75% of them voted to approve. Minneapolis

the pop star-actor performing cunnilingus on the dining room table.

The title does not match the article. It says teachers are outraged but nowhere in the article does quote a teacher or teacher group as being upset. It states a conservative and a tweet being upset.

Eh, shitty demanding customers never help, and I’ve been itching to shit-talk fussypants FX whiners since the “Shrek” cracks of 20 years ago.