
Indeed, the producers of Spartacus knew they were delivering hammy, bloody fun and delivered it with aplomb.

Jupiter’s Cock!

I’d rather watch Starz’s Spartacus again.

That book was crazy. It was a good story but the author kept talking about how drunk he got all the time. I hope he got the help he needs.

They use the old EU the same way the mcu uses the comics. Mine it for good stories/ characters/ other world building or whatever, and then turn it into whatever new thing. I'm not saying it's always a good end result, just that it's a similar concept. There's some real weird EU stuff out there, so it's no surprise

apocalypto was also 20 years ago.

I think the problem with mystique was they cast Jennifer Lawrence JUST before she got huge, and then they decided they had to build the franchise around her, just in time for her to be like "fuck that, kill me off."

J-Law’s Mystique kind of ruins the entire run of the younger cast for me. Blech what were they thinking with the whole all the leads wanna bang Mystique thing. There’s so many interesting unexplored things to do with that character. Sigh. Like when are we gonna get her as Nightcrawler’s parent or in a relationship

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

That’s cute, I’m glad, the original X-Men didn’t do anything with Sabretooth as a character except have him growl and throw doesn’t look like this is going to give him that Oscar clip either but at least it’s fun...Liev Schrieber the better actual Sabretooth for sure even in that shit movie

I mean.... the man committed a series of violent hate crimes. I don’t see anyone calling for him to be “canceled” or boycotting the movie. I can still enjoy his performances in The Departed and The Other Guys, but I think it’s totally fair to keep bringing it up.

Seriously, why must repeatedly acting like a sack of shit give a guy a reputation??

The tone of this piece is bleak. And accurate. 

He’s akin to some of the other various longtime scumbags around here - always better ignored & dismissed than engaged with.

They probably are big fans of other mindless fun like Starship Troopers and American Psycho.

He was hysterical in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. 

You’re not sure how detailing how he’s been going through a bit of a low period of which this might be another symptom is relevant?

You know how I can tell you are not into comics?

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He co-wrote and produced Babe, but didn’t direct it.