The ghost is not going to blow you.
The ghost is not going to blow you.
Garcia lost part of just one finger, fingers plural would be Tony Iommi.
Tentative list of obscure pop culture characters I want:
Maybe less “lack of reverence for superhero movies” and more “Constantly bagging on superhero movies as representing the commodification and ‘contentification’ of Cinema, and then making a fucking classic rock biopic for a streaming service that most folks will watch on a 13" screen.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There are a lot of boomer rabbitholes I’m willing to follow Martin Scorsese down but this might be a bridge too far...
Haha, just saying when you normally buy two tickets, A24 is not an unreasonable price. Also, it’s nice to have a naked lady in the house.
Udon armour redesign or nothing.
I hope that one of these days Marvel will take these reviews to heart and finally make the quiet, contemplative film everyone is supposed to be asking for but does not want to see
Too much Elon Musk
He was trying to solve OUR problem, which is that people like you are annoying af.
Nugent already has no taste so what else is new.
Good point about Evans. Sunshine is his finest work, I think.
“Why not Hassenger?” is the question I’m always asking myself, tbh.
“Spoiler etiquette took an unbelievable dive during WandaVision.”
I can hear this sentence in my head, and you get three guesses as to what your voice sounds like.
A rule of thumb for everybody: either turn off your phone and get your precious spoiler-free experience, or don’t, but for god’s sake please stop complaining about it.
What made Metallica the biggest dicks taking Napster down was they didn’t just go after Napster but also sued and arrested kids who downloaded music on the file-sharing software and then repurposed Napster as an online music store, charging anywhere from $3.99-$9.99 per SONG.
This is perfect internet railing right here. Metallica’s music has been declining for 30 years, but don’t call them dad rock!
Ew, Woody Allen’s PR team has arrived. They’re so gross.
Clearly these are shiny variants.
There is a world of difference between comparing *public figures getting pushback on their stated views* to putting people in concentration camps, and comparing *putting people in concentration camps* to putting people in concentration camps.