
Remember, the right aren’t very intelligent and perennially think they will win every election and then wonder why they can’t after, never realizing it’s their terrible policies and hateful agenda that does it. So they get more radicalized, doubling down, and continue to lose more people from their party. You’re right

Didn’t Johnny Depp (successfully) sue Amber Heard for a piece she wrote that never mentioned him by name?

Man, sure must be nice to be Disney and just watch your main competition repeatedly shoot themselves in the dick.

It’s such a vague term. How could we possibly guess who she means?

Yeah, let’s go Brandon!

Per Dante, the bottom three circles of Hell were reserved for the Violent, the Fraudulent and the Treacherous. I think that’s basically who attends CPAC.

THIS is the future liberals want.

Wray is a Trump appointee who went along with a scheme to bury the investigation into Kavanaugh, clearing the way for his confirmation and the overturning of Roe. His partisan ass should have been fired on 1/21/21.

Excited for you to explain to us why you agree with Zaslav’s belief that there isn’t a single woman or person of color anywhere on the planet Earth who is qualified to sit on his board.

Even if you could see it, you couldn’t run to the source, because someone doesn’t know how to draw your feet!

Agree, I find the blow back Marvel occasionally gets for the interconnected universe they’ve built is kind of funny. I first recall reading complaints when Tony Stark played a large role in Spider-Man Homecoming (even though we already had FIVE solo Spider-Man movies). Have people forgotten how cool it is that these

If I see one more movie or TV show where the Afterlife is portrayed as a bureaucracy, I’m gonna scream. 

The telltale sign of a bad Pixar ripoff is that they always use their “high concepts” not to explore various intriguing ideas but just to go “hey what if this intangible thing had its own bureaucracy”

“women more than men...”

Apples and oranges. I don’t know any men who have been castrated. I know far too many women who have been sexually assaulted. Castration is not a common problem across the globe, sexual assault is.

That’s the thing though. It was A man.  Not men, just 1 man.  Compare that to the several depictions of women being raped, attempted to be raped, or hearing 3rd hand how a specific character was raped.  THAT’S why noone is talking about Theon and why the topic continues to be about women in general.  In a co-gender

Oh, now we see the violence inherent in the system. Come and see the violence inherent in the system!