
Nobody is arguing which Secrets Wars future movies will be based off. It's Hickman's.

It’s no surprise to me that this became one of the most recognizable and memorable versions of the team, since this was one of the peaks of the X-Men in the mainstream consciousness, but was also the first version of the team that many people were introduced to.

Agreed. They suck almost as much as his JLA nu-52 designs, with all those mandarin collars... Man, he should’ve stayed a cover artist.  He's a mess at everything else (deadlines, for example). 

I still wouldn’t mind getting a season two of Wolverine and the X-men. 

It took THIS article for me to know there is a Justified revival?!  I’m so stoked. It was one of my all time favorite shows!

What would you prefer, black leather?

I mean, the current X-Men comics are the best that they have been in a long time, probably around 30 years. They are exploring new situations, new characters and old characters, exploring deep and interesting concepts and storylines. Immortal X-Men is all about political intrigue, New Mutants is about trying to

“I’ve seen rumors that Marvel might go the Malcolm X / Martin Luther King route”

oooooooooh you meant make them black. just say that. because they WERE a Malcolm X Martin Luther King type thing. and it took me a sec to get it because I was judging them on the content of their character. ;)

I don’t know why people don’t

Not to mention the backflips people have been making in order to shit-talk Ms. Marvel which was fucking fantastic.

I agree about that. What I’m saying only applies to the writers, not the artists. I have no problem with artists retaining lifetime rights.

Daemon? His name is actually Daemon?? Was Bahd Guai Targaryen too subtle or something?

More importantly, he had 2 years worth of free criticism about what worked and what didn’t in the original, and could, therefore, correct course.

Fucking low bar

Much better, yes. Still terrible, also yes.

hey mike, go sit in a running car with the garage door closed

That the statement alone didn’t bring immediate censure upon her says a lot about that area.

Understand, there is no such thing as race. It’s a fiction, it doesn’t exist.

I have. I’m familiar with eunuchs in the Ming dynasty.

dated for two years in 1992 when she was 18 and he was 33...

Giants, ok.  Dragons, ok. Ice zombies, ok.  Black people.. HOLY SHIT!!!