
Okay, I *really* like your point. I’m being hyperbolic about “nobody liking the Inhumans.” What you say about “Inhumans are the new X-Men” nails it for me! It was a weird initiative and... Black Bolt and Medusa and company don’t really work in that context, that’s not what makes their best stories work. They have this

Forced camp is not actual camp, and I’m appalled that people keep arguing otherwise. That’s just not how camp works.

Be a bit weird to extend Karachi to a season in India instead of Pakistan.

It’s a joke. Members of the Descendants later formed a group called All.

So I guess this means we’ll never have to hear about The Office ever again, right? Right?

You assert Korg, who is now well established as a friend and ally of Thor, shouldn’t be in it because the movie is already too packed and then propose inserting a new (to the MCU) character which will need to to be introduced, have his history explained and develop relationships with the other characters in, what you

With the longstanding box-office legacy Avatar still wields, Cameron has reason to feel believe in the audience enjoyments his films deliver.’

Portman’s Foster is heroic and exciting while also harboring a very sad reality.

I’ll bet that dude gets into arguments all the time over a word that definitely just means “bundle of sticks”

That’s effervescently incommoding!

“You’re just a girl’s blouse. I’ve half a mind to chaff you more, jackinapes!”

You need to get murdered in the most horrible way imaginable. The rest of your family too. You are the only one empowering the right-wing, they already can’t hate the left wing more. Too bad the left wing is too chickenship to kill you all.

You know, if she had donated this money anonymously instead of getting a professorship named after her this wouldn’t look quite so much like an exercise in performative, self-aggrandizing “atonement.”

Remember when everyone thought it was admirably daring to cast a cisgender woman as Chandler’s trans father? The crew understandably has a lot of regret about that.

Well some of us were watching Living Single because it was....humm, how can I say this?  It was actually funny.

“Look, me and several of my other dragon friends don’t burn villages down and eat their citizens. Sure, we’re not going to give you any of our hoarded gold to fight off the other dragons who DO burn villages down. That’s not our fault. Blame the other dragons. When we have our dragonsmoot my friends and I always vote

I’ll give you a choice of marinade for when I eat you.

No, you just publicly demand, craft, and pass legislation making trans peoples’ existence illegal.

Technically, he said they don’t label all trans people conservative because of Ezra Miller. They label all trans people crazy because their ideas about mental health, gender identity, and every other facet of society are decades out of date. 

Shut the fuck up, asshole.