
Do those people even still exist? I thought we mostly realized that was nonsensical in the mid 1990s when speculators almost collapsed the entire industry.

It’s one of his lines of dialogue from Sarah Marshall.

Not really when it comes to space fantasy.

My bad; I’m a little out of touch with the current bad actors and thought that it was perhaps a relatively good faith but misguided question.  Thanks for the info.

I didn’t mean to imply you didn’t read things; just that it’s super liberating to abandon being a collector, what with the urge to complete sets of things you no longer enjoy and whatnot.  I’ve been way happier since I cut that chain.

It’s over. Find a new show.

I don’t think that’s true at all.

Still even better to just be a reader.

I didn’t defend the Acolyte, son. I just pointed out the irony of the constant complaints about its “politics” when there are none, juxtaposed against a claim that a FUCKING OBVIOUS POLITICAL SATIRE is “mindless fun.”

I didn’t bring up the Acolyte. I responded to a doofus bitching about that show while claiming that the Boys was free of politics.

My comment was about how fucking stupid someone has to be to call the Acolyte political and the Boys not, not about the comparative quality of the shows.

Can you imagine the level of obliviousness that would lead one to think that the Acolyte is pushing a political agenda and the Boys is just mindless fun?

He said, without irony.

I’m not familiar with that particular dude, but I’m not surprised.

Sure, but that pretty much applies across the board to the other films the writers have worked on as well, so it’s the same argument.

I mean, the first movie was a kids’ parody movie of a kids’ space fantasy movie, so I’m not sure that’s especially disqualifying.

That’s not true.

I think that’s the most popular opinion. It’s not good. Unlike his previous parodies, Brooks wasn’t in love with Star Wars, and it shows.

It is a little bit racist to pose that question like that.
