
It might have existed, because apparently (I looked this up now) the family had already been pushing for a show, with one or more brother having been on one of those shows already, but it likely wouldn’t have been a hit without the notoriety.

I was trying to point out that the sentence doesn’t necessarily suggest the discrete sequence you’re refuting, but I’m good not arguing with someone who is both so on top of the Kardashian timelines AND would choose “Frasier Crane” as a name.  Have a blessed day.

Well, for one thing, he wouldn’t be a guest on Club Shay Shay in 2024 if not for that tape.

Her profile was raised as it was launching.  You’re reaching.

I love this for him.

This is like the most widely circulated Star Wars prop lore.


I am surprised that people still think the Jedi are heroic and flawless.  They’re priest cops whose stupid rules fucked the entire galaxy.

Oh, never mind. I took a quick look at your comment history.

Sure; no one ever said it was. But were you alive in the 1990s, Duck? Do you know how many fucking people used this dubious aesthetic as the focus of their identity?

Well, at the time I made that comment...

Found the incel.

They were almost all bad. De La Soul had a decent if forgettable song that no one would know featured a band like Teenage Fan Club if no one had mentioned it, and there was only one example of real synergy between the acts (Faith No More and the Boo-Ya Tribe, in their last minute of fame).

It’s bad, and so is the record.

Huh? This site doesn’t review Survivor. It’s a shame that this site ended its smart reviews of smart shows, but I’m pretty sure there are a million places on the internet to recap fucking Rick and Morty, dude.

Yeah, I wouldn’t argue that they did a great job with it, but for the movie with the $100 million budget to do a worse job than the $1 million one is both sad and hilarious.

I mean, it’s not like he didn’t escape bullets that were fired at him. He ran at super speed to shield Hawkeye from bullets at the last second.

It really reads like a parody of retcons.

Go take another look. The face was more expressive, but it was way less Grimm-y and way more uncanny valley horror.

He’s already such a mythologized figure. There’s value in portrayals that he can’t influence.