Americas is a country built on the genocide of one race and the enslavement of another and held together with exploitation and lies.
Everything else flows from that
Americas is a country built on the genocide of one race and the enslavement of another and held together with exploitation and lies.
Everything else flows from that
Actually shocked. He seems like a guy who got out of the drug game more than a decade ago so I gotta wonder if this some dumb shit like Niptsy Hustle. Damn.
Wow this is officially the dumbest defense of Chapelle I’ve heard. Well done.
Black was the important part of that sentence. I mean this is basically the defense. Black people are intimidating so grab your gun Cletus. People are shocked (shocked!) but I don’t know why. The defense they’re going with is literally Black people are dangerous and here’s a SLAVE PATROL LAW that says we can kill them…
It’s that whole “LETS GO BRANDON” thing. These people are cowardly and corny beyond all belief.
The police union about to eat Lori’s lunch. How you gon run Chicago when you can’t even pull off a basic police coverup?
They put that out their to give them time to resign and move on.
No, no this have been the path of racists for centuries. A hundred years ago Irish and Catholics weren’t white but as the demographics shift against them they have no choice but to absorb certain former out groups to maintain a white majority. White passing Hispanics is the latest group they’ve seemed to sucessfully…
I’m going to guess nobody in Texas is actually voting for Ted Cruz the man. they’re voting for the republican in that spot and thanks to money and connections Zodiac Ted happens to be the guy in that spot. The amazing thing about Ted Cruz is that no one actually seems to like him. Like, no one. Yet here he is.
their base aint shit either
Aye, go die in a fire.
Aye, go die in a fire.
Aye, go die in a fire.
Aye, go die in a fire.
My team? He had a paid staffer make this shitty meme? I’m actually curious how that went because I guarantee Dollar Store David Patrick Kelly here has never seen an episode of Attack on Titan and probably has a very loose understanding of meme culture.
You should get back to your bridge before those pesky children steal all your gold.
I don’t even understand why they’re running. He could have stayed done his 6 months on a workfarm and gotten out and had a bright future in GOP politics.
The “government” wasn’t willing to kill them when they were actively look to kill US congresspeople you think the FBI is going to do hit on a US National on foreign soil when they’re barely willing to prosecute people they have on hand?
You need to chill.
I remember that video of Basic Crazy White Lady MTG giving a speech in Alabama and the crowd cheering because Alabama has the lowest vaccination rate, so that’s probably why he picked it.