I feel like if they’re willing to get shot in the face, then by all means.
I feel like if they’re willing to get shot in the face, then by all means.
That’s a word. Great scam if you have no shame or integrity
Especially that, because if it’s phrased as reparations for slavery they’ll start finding ways to exclude as many people as they possibly can.
Asked about her support for Trump, Sears told CNN, ‘I am an independent thinker’
Yeah, you know I didn’t want to be un-charitable but my first thought was I wonder if there was someone else in earshot and the deputy realized he needed to get in front of it.
swing the other way, to who?
It was nothing to do with Kyle and his charges,” the juror told the judge.
When they start talking about grants and credits and making you jump through a million hoops to prove you qualify you know the scam is on.
No, no I’ve been assured by white people that that whole 400 years of slavery followed by the 150 years of systemic oppression was just all in black people’s heads. Id didn’t happen and if it did it wasn’t that bad and you should really just stopping bring up old shit, that happened months ago. Like the Holocaust, or…
Troll Bill’s response to everything one here is to assure you that it is in fact legal so you should be just fine with it. I hope he gets paid by the word because the unseasoned motherfucker likes to put in work.
I mean it’s business as usual for the QAnon caucus after they literally planned this coup so of course. DOJ went after the loudmouths and nobodies hard but they were always meant to be the fall guys anyway. The really amazing part of all of this exactly what happened in Germany in 1923. The only difference is Hitler…
Interesting to see what they come up with and how far they get before a white person sues them for discrimination like Biden’s Farm Bill. To me though anything but direct payments is a waste of time.
You should go to Montgomery AL to the lynching museum. Check out the collection of postcards white people made of smiling photos of them posing with the hung, burnt and mutilated bodies of the black people they hunted and publicly murdered.
The basic framework of any Conservative idealogy is that there must be groups that are policed but not protected and groups that are protected but not policed. Everything else follows from that one basic idea.
Conservatives at this point in American history have no incentive to negotiate because anything they give up…
They never wanted to try these good ‘ole boys in the first place. And I know people are going to say this is a different team etc. but this is still Georgia. They didn’t suddenly get a whole new criminal justice system. Painting shit a different color doesn’t suddenly turn it to gold.
So... mistrial and the prosecution declines to retry?
yeah, except the threat isn’t credible. This vote was that jumping point. If this vote had passed that would have served notice to departments and unions around the country. But white people torpedoed it essentially sending the message that the fucking Po can just ignore the noise, its business as usual and the…
Except all that sweet sweet budget money for MILSURP gear and unlimited overtime.
Bruh, that optimism. Everything you said in the first paragraph is true but will not lead to the outcomes in the second paragraph for one simple reason. Police will never voluntarily give up any power they have. Individual cops may hate showing up for mental crisis calls, as evident by the fact that they show up ready…
That’s basically how you build a career as a prosecutor, pick weak targets and go after them in ways they have no ability to defend against. Why prosecute the millionaire pedo when you can go after low level drug offenses with a 100% win rate.