Naw...Atlas V has way too much...head.
Naw...Atlas V has way too much...head.
Only cause they laid off the last guy on staff who knew COBOL and he took the TRS-81 that was running the shuttle with him when he left.
Well put.
I'm about halfway through S3.
The greatest thing about MacGyver is that he was an ex Army Ranger. An ex Army Ranger, who doesn't use guns.
I'll just leave this here.
None of the above.
A valid point. There are some good Mythos related work that's played straight (Stross's Laundry series, Move Under Ground)I think its mostly a reflection of the horror genre as a whole. People always want make jokes.Eventually things fall into self parody. It probably has something to do with the human fear response.…
Are you serious?
See my comment above. Again prove me wrong on this. I'll have this nerd fight with someone every now and then and no one has yet to convince me I'm barking up the wrong tree.
I'd have to argue with you on that one. Rice definitely re-popularized the vampire in the 90s. But the main trope that defines the current state (or at least as current as when I stopped paying attention about 5 years back) of Dark urban fantasy (ie. female protagonist with some sort of special ability who gets…
No, I would not recommend her. I read the first 11 books in her Anita Blake series and they started out being popcorn entertainment and morphed into badly written plotless Mary Sue "erotica" (and I like erotica).
Correct me if I'm wrong but did Lauren K Hamilton pretty much invent contemporary dark urban fantasy?
Apaprently no one else on Giz can read, but I saw what you did there. Well, played sir.
The Angry Molesting Tree is the first set of monsters to get released. Its in the last elevator on the left. It reaches out and impales one of the security goons.
I would bet good money that the first force field shot wasn't in the original edit and the studio had them add it after a few focus groups. The whole rousing speech followed by immediate death is so signature Joss, that I doubt he'd purposely give it away early like that.
ROFL! One of my former bosses had similar story except the 'bater was an Architectural model builder and my boss found him the next morning passed out on top of a project with 4 lines of coke on the lightbox next to him and his dick in his hand.
Yeah pretty much. Granted these are his "statement pieces" He has worked on teams that have put out more functional, less flashy products.