
I'm guessing she just happened to find them as she's hopping from small airport to small airport.

It basically sounds like the product of people who think they can debug their own brains like it's a well commented batch of code, instead of the hodge podge of obsolete hardware, patches, add-ons, malware and spaghetti code that it actually is.

All valid points but I'm not sure how replacing it with a system that sounds like a bunch of pseudo scientific mumbo jumbo is an improvement.

In a sense we were doing some homo-erotic show for the pleasure of the commander.

What you just described...sounds incredible.

Really digging Mission Workshop's stuff. Can't justify investing in a new bag until my old Chrome goes with glory to Valhalla however.

So where are your prosthetic leg designs?

Well, version 1 never gets the design features quite right. I'll wait for the next one in the product cycle.

You can grow imperfect hybrid copies of yourself in there. If I had one of those I'd be training my own ninja clan in the mountains of Wyoming.

11. Our swishy "love" holes.

such a terrible movie.

it's young Lincoln, before he retired from Vampire Slaying and went into politics.

good call! That does open a can of plot worms though.

No, OP is talking about the guy who played the Lucian Alliance terrorist from SGU, who had the facial tattoos and gets shot in episode 1. Not the guy who played Bratac from SG1, who was the leader sitting in the office scene at the ep 1 opening. But its an understandable mistake, all those Canadian actors look alike.

At first I thought they were doing it to blur out the names of some of the businesses in street scene, but then i noticed them just throwing it in every now and then. Yeah, they really should stop.


I was kind of happy/surpised they didn't drag it out too. I mean Curtis was already threatening Kellogg two episodes back with his knife throwing shenanigans, but boy, at the rate they're killing off villains this show will be over in 10 episodes.

I vaguely remember seeing the first ep of O5. I know it ran for one season. Is it wrapped up at the end or is it just left hanging?

Yaris Gynocab? That name is Toyota marketing execs worst nightmare.

Nemesis has Tom Hardy. Voluntarily seeing Insurrection; now that's hardcore.