
You sir, win all the internets.

Never understood that saying. Who eats crackers in bed? Is it just plain crackers? Is there like on a cheese platter or some hummus or something? Cause the only time I can see someone just downing plain crackers in bed is if they're nauseous, which makes me think she's pregnant, in which case I need to get out of this

No, dude its ok. My girlfreind said its not gay if its Ryan Gosling. You're totally cool.

defenitely. Although the D&D episode was my gateway episode, and then I finished the season and went back. It's still funny, but there are references and callbacks you'll miss if you watch it out of order.

I still kind of like his writing but I can't really disagree with any of your points. Its also a little annoying that you can practically break his newer books down into a timeline of Boing Boing posts.

I prefer Steppin' Razor, cause nothing ends an argument like retractable finger claws backed by an enhanced nervous system.

I give three weeks before shutdown due to dickpic overload.

Oh, yeah. I expect they'll have a working prototype within five years. They just need some small additional funding.

I gotta admit, you've totally lost me.

...and never leaving your house is a good way to avoid getting hit by a bus.

Charles Stross has an interesting series of blog posts about publishing on his site. The gist is that you get contracted for a certain number of books,a certain series, certain genres, or a certain period of time.

There are still plenty of people who go to see a movie without any idea what they'll see until they get to the theater.

Yup. If I really want to see a movie on the big screen. I go whenever the playing theater has a special ($6 First show weekends, or $7 Tuesday Night). If there's a couple things I want to see and I have a day to kill, I'll buy a ticket and see like three movies (snacks in a backpack). Otherwise its just not worth it

Well, I recently saw The Hole and can, she does not.

Sure. I mean, what's Miley Cyrus doing with her time?

The STF Dinosaurs approach may have worked, if the damn dinos weren't so crappy. The only ones that look good are the ones you barely get a glimpse of in the dark. I had high hopes for Terra Nova, but I think its headed for the trash heap.

That is not a bike. That is '59 Cadillac Seville with anorexia/bulimia.

Which part? The domination fantasy I've got no problem with (you wouldn't believe how much I have no problem with it) The sex with teenagers part...well, that's a little iffy.

Ok. Since you insist on trying to rationalize a fantasy I'll explain it to you. Teacher/student fantasies are really about power dynamic. You're either fantasizing about being the teacher who has power over some nubile young thing, or you're fantasizing about being the helpless student be brutally taken advantage of

Oh, are there any shirtless scenes?