
io9 is my recommendation engine.

But its so light, it's not their fault iTunes is too bloated to run on it.

You had me labia wings.

But what's the theoretical effect of creating a paradox? How do we know a small paradox doesn't just work itself out over a relatively small space/time somehow?

Ok. I get this, but if we assume that neutrinos can only travel slightly faster than the speed of light then doesn't that allow for only very small causality violations under very specific circumstances?

I can't think of a single Mythos story set in the Pac North West. They're all East Coast New England (or old England if you're Charlie Stross.) The closest might be Move Underground and that takes place in Big Sur, CA.

C'mon. It's obviously the Armenian Mob.

Totally. That beats out Tara's death for no. 1 for me because of how he died and things just kept moving. Also because there were rumblings of something big before the Tara death episode and when she appeared in the credits I immediately became suspicious.

Wait...Street Sharks and Mummies Alive shared a universe? You just blew my freaking mind.

Then do yourself a favor and read it []

How much...extra?

He's just trying to keep his stable of fine Ape ladies all to himself.

But that's io9's stock in trade. Do you not remember the weeks of previews and features that preceded one of the greatest reviews I ever read for Transformers 2?

I'd also like to know. I briefly considered going to see it during the first minute of the trailer before Drive (I should go see Drive again...) but then when they gave away the first twist in the fricking trailer I immediately realized there's no way this could be any good.

I like it when shows remind of why I'll never get married.

God, as soon as the whiny son met up with those other kids I knew what was going down. The fact that the show didn't have the stomach to kill off any of those characters also does not bode well.

Thats actually a brilliant conclusion. If it is viral marketing its subtle and rather well done.

I imagine high grade stainless is. Aluminum is supposed to be corrosion resistant and non-reactive but I've had aluminum parts (on a bike) spontaneously fuse on me. No idea why.

Holy Shit, you're right. Lady Shiva is DC's Worf.

My cheapness briefly warred against my Fashion sense, but my fashion sense won this one.