
Too hard to tweak your privacy settings?

We all realize there's no way this can be remotely entertaining right? The man made an admitting hilarious movie purely because he didn't know any better.

See. I'd watch that. But expecting something so awesome from this guy. Not going to happen.

That'd be Bryan Fuller. Who then tried to do the same show in the guise of Wonderfalls which was also cancelled, which led to the conceptually similar Pushing Daises which was cancelled, which led him onto formerly awesome but then sinking ship that was Heroes.

The Guild ( and maybe Dr. Horrible, although its barely serial.) is the only success under this model, and its mostly because it can be made with zero budget.

Wait, did you just equate Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld?

My dream is a type of kickstarter system for TV. If Whedon or someone pitched a show I'd pre-buy a dvd/season pass in a heartbeat. It seems though like there's still not enough money in that kind of setup to fund a serial. show.

You aren't whistling dixie. I was literally ready to cancel my Netflix streaming yesterday after spending 30 minutes trying to find something good to watch. They don't even have the kind of crappy movies certain cable channels show 15 times a month.


Dawkins is a perfect gentleman? The same Dawkins who kicked off elevatorgate? The same Dawkins who wrote book called The God Delusion? That's like the Christian equivalent of writing a book called "Why Firefly deserved to be cancelled." I agree with just about everything Dawkins says and I even like the guy a little,

...and I'll be right behind you. Give Christina anything she wants.

So its come to this has it? Hollywood isn't even going to bother dropping $100 mil on a remake of an already good movie. They'll just re-release movie they already made.

I was kind of hoping since she got shot in the head she'd not be, but I guess since they left enough head for Sookie to cradle they do intend to bring her back. *sigh*

OMG. Thats what I said.

You are mistaken sir. That is not a thing that exists.

The Patriot?! Slow motion musket loading as Mel Gibson runs toward you with a hatchet? And you put that in Emmerich win column?

ROFL! Well played, sir.

The Singularity: sci-fi Paradise

Sorry, we forgot to add home of the woo/neo-hippie/snowbird overflow from Sonora.