
What? No Whedon?

Oh! You're right.

Whoah! Lets not get crazy now. Fringe is a MUCH tidier show than Lost. Really they're only two big mysteries left in Fringe.

"JJ Abrams is a master at this, because he makes them all mysterious, you aren't supposed to know, wink wink. In the end, though, I don't they're really about a damn thing, they're mood and character tropes. "

Ask me in two years. I'll be excited about whatever makes it past the mid-season 2 cancellation point.

Wow. Either you don't get the joke or you do, which makes your response pure genius.

Yep. I saw him at a Wondercon about two years ago. Seems like a guy who deserves a nice fat check.

Basic and Pay Cable is where all the good stuff is, because they can make a show and not have to draw 7 million viewers for it to be a success. Hell, Mad Men S1 was an abject failure during its initial run, but then it killed on DVD, and thus a modern classic was born. It wouldn't have made it past 3 episodes on a

Agreed, but put a notch above Jim Jarmusch and scribble in Tom Waits.


Probably just the prototype. I'm pretty sure that's not Street legal, at least unless I'm remembering incorrectly, any kind of partially enclosed vehicle like that has to have doors.

Is that what we're calling it?

"This was like going to a strip club where a carpenter builds a wall in concert with the girl taking her clothes off, so instead of naked lady you see a wall."

Right, because you have no use for something of course no one else should.

No. Its advertising. They have a radio show. If they just had a billboard without any reference to a profit making enterprise I'd be more impressed.

It has absolutely no personality. But, that kind of fits Zuckerberg so...

Are they trashing the movie or promoting the movie?.

Seriously dude? It's Michelle Rodriguez. She does for dying what Samuel Jackson did for screaming obscenities.

I refuse to give SyFy credit for Stargate (they can take SGU though) or BSG. Haven I've never watched and can't comment on. Eureka never really pulled me in, and Warehouse 13 is a fluke, that they somehow haven't managed to ruin yet.

Yeah, I don't really understand what's unique about Trump.