
Galaxy Quest is winning via the cult classic vote. Considering the crowd here, that doesn't surprise me in the least.

This round is a bloodbath. ESB vs. Nausicaä? Utter brutality.

The only problem is that Americans don't like to read. I bet there's an entire set of people who not see this movies just because it had subtitles on it. So its basically fucked if you do, fucked if you don't.

I don't get it. Everyone keeps bringing up American Dad. The Gray Alien has been around as a cultural icon for about 50 years.

Dude! Why am I not watching Ghost Bike messenger right now. Urban Fantasy character Archetype crossed with hipster glamorous marginalized profession, you'd think that'd be a no brainer for CW. I think you're on to something.

So, is this intentionally bad, or cluelessly bad like The Room? I keep hearing the latter and the creator sounds like just some hapless guy but every time I see a clip its hard to believe he did this by accident.

That's not how you make sandwich! The Tricia should be in the middle.

Yeah, but as far as I know we they didn't have thick fur coats or subcutaneous fat layers to keep them warm. I'm shivering just thinking about it.

I had three months of unemployment where I was in incredible shape. Why? I cancelled my cable/Netflix, stopped buying books and stopped going out to save money, so stave off boredom I rode my bike everyday, went on hikes and spent a week backpacking (I already owned all the gear).

Werd. Manilla pimps do not take credit. Um...I've heard...

Definitely my favorite author. Its sad that she wasn't more prolific. Especially since she died without finishing her Parable series (after an 11 year block) and since her last book, I felt was below her standards. But I suppose that a collection of a few gems is a better legacy than a library populated by more

I like Dos Santos, but really, nothing about this says "zombie".

And you've unwittingly uncovered the vast conspiracy. The Windex corporation has dispatched a "cleaner" to your location to "rub you out". Please remain where you are.

I don't see video calling catching on in a big way. How many folks with facetime actually use it a lot? Video over Gmail chat, Skype etc? Seems only useful for Cam sex.

Except the academic types that are coming up with the definition claim to be well read but will discount entire swathes of genre fiction as beneath their notice. This is a generalization of course, but from personal experience it seems to hold for college Lit Academia. I can't count the number of times I've been in a

Agreed. I think its disingenuous for anyone to claim to be "well read". Unless the work you do involves reading a lot of fiction (Reviewer?, but even then you're probably only hitting the popular stuff or restricted by genre) there is no way you can possibly consume the vast amount of media released on a constant

Why should we care? What is the big deal about SF/Fantasy/Genre works getting "mainstream" acceptance? This argument always seems to be like a sculptor approaching a bunch of civil engineers and demanding they recognize the contributions of Louise Nevelson. Why should we expect and demand that they be interested?

Read the full scientific paper at the Annals of Botany

sulfur = brimstone = the devils element. Since werewolves are evil, they must be from the devil and thus full of sulfur. Simple (non-sensical) logic.

Have not read Freakonomics or watched The Wire? Low level drug dealer is quite possible the worst job in the world. Less than minimum wage pay, high risk of injury and death AND its illegal.