
#3 If you're in an interview. Doesn't that mean they've already scanned your resume?

There's an incredible scene where the Father, who has discovered Valerie's secret werewolf connection, publicly humiliates her by tying her up in the town square with a metal dog mask on her face.

Well played sir.

I can see my house! Its way slower than I thought it would be.

Did you just compare smurfs to TMNT?

Do you not see the purple robe he's wearing in that top pic.

You had me at "Smurfette upskirt".

How do you know that isn't his process? His daughter is probably also doing the soundtrack. Takes a while to autotune all that "music".

I don't think its that unreasonably. Thats a to me is a general display of lack of taste.


Jesus was too busy Whipping his hawrrr....

I'm sure they Audiotuned the shit out of this.

Huh? How does a kid know what a healthy cereal is?

No mention of Mean Guns? I had seen Pyun movies before but that was the one that made me sit up and take notice. By all accounts the thing should be a schlocky, low budget Actioner, but it just works on so many levels. Pyun is another Takashi Miike, a lot of crap with many surprising gems mixed in.

I thought the Doomsday Machine was built to take out the Borg. Or is that not canon?

Ultima Ratio Regum

Not going happen, unfortunately. There's a great entry on his blog somewhere where basically explains why he's abandoned that Universe.

I love Stross. I love his Laundry books. I do not get the whole Mundane SF thing. My life is Mundane enough.

Well, I'm a hardcore RPG gamer. I cut my teeth on things like Dragonquest, play PnP when I can, played MUDs and MOOs back before there were MMOs. So my perspective is different than that of the average console gamer. The three main things that I felt reduced the RPG experience to that of a shooter with conversation

CH Pounder?