
They have an Olsen playing a goth girl? I can hear heavily eye shadowed, black dyed heads exploding all over America in sheer outrage.

IDK. This, The Smurfs movie... NPH needs to do something about his agent. I can't be complicit in him appearing in stuff like that. Its just not right.

Now I'm confused. Why would $150 mil movie need to make $500 mil? I always thought marketing was included in the budget? Where's that extra $350 mil come from?

DUH. There's A one episode limit save. Chuck, The Big Bang Theory, Angel all survived.

Yeah. Then I watched Fast and Furious. Even nerd loyalty has its limits.

Alas, I lived to short and died too soon, but there was a naked Summer Glau curled up in box on me. So yeah, not complaining.

Well, on The Unit her boyfriend does end up up with 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body right after he proposes to her. So, he probably thinks there is a curse.

That makes sense I suppose. Going to cons and reading blogs over the last couple years it seemed like most established genre authors were complaining about how advances were disappearing. Maybe there numbers weren't so good or Grossman just did spectacularly well.

I had heard that the "six figure book deal" had gone the way of the dinosaur and the new paradigm was a token advance and then you better hope your book moved some copies...

Easy fix. If you joined up with IM he gives you a new ship. If you told him to shove it, you get to steal his new ship.

They really need to do something about the load times. That and you know, make it an RPG again and I might opt to buy it Day 1 rather than used off Ebay a year later.

Its pretty ironic that "Uncanny Valley" was coined by the Japanese, seeing as no one in that country seems able to recognize it.

this just looks like someone photochopped the Forever Red image

Have you learned nothing? Male impregnation always happens through the mouth.

Oh man, you are a burgeoning Psycho Analysts wet dream...

65 years old, broken hip...well, I suppose he has to pay all those people that got him a Governership somehow.

He ended his statement with "Found Baby!".I didn't think that was meant to be taken seriously.

You cannot imagine how flat that little tidbit falls as your girlfriend's sister shows off her new engagement ring.

And over at Monster Cables an ecstatic Marketing Exec just had to change his pants...

Seriously, why has no one pitched a mutant duck sexpolitation-horror movie to SyFy yet?