
What? No Gay, Necrophiliac Duck Rape?

Yet still people keep trying to adapt PKD stories, and it's always the more inaccessible ones. I mean, why try to make Flow my Tears... or Ubik? I guess its filmmakers trying to make the next Blade Runner but they just seem like odd choices.

Is the formatting on this article totally frakked for anyone else or is it just me?

wouldn't we have to get TSCC back first?

You realize Roland is from an alternate dimension right? Even if you want ot assume its a mirror of our world, Mid-World could be in Mexico, it could be in Texas, hell it could be frickin Australia. The place is a desert. Are there lots of deserts in Northern Europe? Also, like Grglstr said Spain is in Western Europe

Ha! I love Maximum Overdrive but for all the wrong reasons. I had not realized that Next was PKD adaptation before reading it in this thread. I happen to have seen the movie but only because I was home sick one week and basically watched anything on Netflix Instant Watch that would be marginally entertaining, and who

I disagree with you both and recommend "Eye in the Sky" as most accessible.

I suppose that true is t=your metric is quantity. If your metric is quality... well at least some PKD adaptations are good.

It's anime. You're lucky she doesn't look like a 12 year old girl.

3 step Plan for Blowing Everyone's Freaking Minds.

Yeah. Its the MM paperback release. Kinda disappointed, for a minute I thought it was Rule 34, but that's not out till Summer.

Too much clothing, not enough glistening musculature. B- Boris.

'99 was a good movie year for me. I remember seeing this and The Matrix within weeks of each other. Both were movies I had heard nothing about, by directors I had never heard of, starring actors who I had assumed were B grade. Both were movies I had not actually paid to see but movie hopped into because I had nothing

So what was revolutionary about it?

Just tried to Netflix it and Akira is Out of Print on DVD. Seriously, WTF?

That's pretty much what happens in that "Horseman of the Apocalypse" video from a few weeks ago, during the Egyptian riots. Another typical example of Pareidolia.

I'm not sad to see it go. Not since Stargate: Universe (BAZINGA!) has something with so much potential been so disappointingly mediocre.

You got to wonder just how incompetent these Alien pilots are. If you want us to know you're here, just land and hold a press conference already. If you don't want us to know you're here stop dumping you're waste storage chambers over San Paulo in the middle of the day. I bet the earth run is where they stick

They're just on shore leave. It's uniform night in the Castro, Stormtroopers drink free.

Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.