
That barely cancels out them killing off SMJ and therefore by the math of pop culture neutralizes the effect.

Love this post, kinda wish you didn't mention Battlefield Earth.

How'd it cluck without a throat??

I'm not going to give up after one 'meh' episode but yeah, this was pretty contrived. As long there's actually a plan for this whole First People's storyline. I'll be pissed if they pull a BSG and tell us Sam the Bowling Alley guy is an Angel.

Fuh real. I'm coming from Emeryville. Its funny how the closer people live to the "cultural center" the less distance they're willing to travel for things. I see the same thing in my NYC friends.

That just makes me think that Lucas has questionable ideas about human relationships. If the subtext was about just how bad an idea their relationship was and how immature these two very powerful individuals actually are I'd be much more impressed with the prequels, bad writing and all.

I'd append Starbuck/Anders to this. I understood why she married him. I still don't understand why he married her.

The rumors about The Castro aren't all true, you know.

I happened to be home last night and caught it "live". I'm pretty impressed. If someone had described their approach to me beforehand I wouldn't have thought that it could work.

Academics ignore this issue for the most part. But many ordinary geeks have embraced tau with enthusiasm.

Funny. Paint it Black always gives me Vietnam flashbacks. I'm 20 klicks outside Denang on maneuvers with Able company, it's 3 am and 89 degress with 90% humidity and my boots are filled with water from the constant rain. My left hand is on the claymore trigger my right clutching a battered M-16 that I just know is

MTV does scripted programming? Strangely excited about Vamps, even though I officially burned out on the whole vampire thing a while ago (True Blood gets a grandfathered in exception), and its nice to see that Hollywood has extended their whole pretending beautiful people are ugly thing to men too. Finally, some

I say we keep those parts and scrap the rest of it.

Tim Pratt's Marla Mason books are like that too. I guess Urban Fantasy tends to be more adventure with noir trappings. Cause really that whole point of fantasy, the scale has to be epic, no one wants to read a fantasy where there's no grand conspiracy behind the hooker's murder.

When has "good triumphing" been a theme of SF noir? At the very least the SF noir I can think of (Richard K. Morgan, early cyberpunk) was mostly about the protagonist barely making it back to where he started, and thankful for it. For a lot of the better urban fantasy (few they are) it's the same.

That was exactly my thought. The cover is pretty sexy.

@framitz: I'm right behind you. I was waiting for a true Android 3 tablet to show up but I think this'll do...

"What the fuck is a samoflange?"

Ha! Unlike, the Falcon or Galactica, with their fresh off the space dock smell. I suspect that whole restating of the Starship Smackdown rules was specifically to exclude the Serenity from dominating every match up out of sheer fan favoritism.

Not that obscure. I still have the Twilight Suzuka theme as one of my ringtones.