
No Serenity?

I was really hoping that they'd brutally kill him off in the first episode Joss Whedon style. Maybe have Panthro execute him and then we can follow Panthro's slow mental collapse from guilt over the first season. I mean, gritty reboots is what kids want now, right?

And not a single person covered in pink slime. I am disappoint.

@Post-Nuked: they have 100% success with crushing the patient under a large rock slab.

@AlfLup: So Wolfram Alpha can now predict the future? Skynet much?

@Eridani: Oh yeah. Later Harry throwing Hellfire with his charred're giving me mini nerdgasms over here.

@Doncosmic: I've always heard that Carnivale's quality tanked in the second season due tho the writers' strike.

@jbrecken: I was trying to remember the name of that show. A little heavy on camp. I hope this thing is a little darker.

@Adah: I think Legion blew it for em. They'll have to wait for the next go round in about 5 years or so.

@Eridani: Blackthorne did a good job. I always though Jared Paladecki would have made a good Harry. About the right age and he's almost that tall. Also regardless of how old Harry actually is, wizards age slow so he should look like he's in his mid-twenties.

I made a comment on here a few months back about how 2011 would be all about Fae. People laughed. Who's laughing now!

@Mekklesack: I really like the Law & Order opening they did and I don't even like Law and Order.

"See what happens when you meet a Stranger in the Alps!"

@greeneyedfem (MzJ+SG deserve stars): Lol! I met a good friend like that too. I was in a class and the prof. was trying to explain to another student how to switch off the lights so we could see the projector and he kept saying "there should be five lights", and finally my soon to be buddy on the other side of the

"Move it Spunkmeyer, we're rolling".

@Richard Anderson: don't see how he'd get much investigating done, what with the never leaving home and the being pathologically afraid of people of color, Jews, sailors and women not directly related to him.

OMG! Cameo from Omar. I could just see him done up mid 19th Century style jacking opium smugglers for their stash, whistling "The Cheese doth stand alone."

@Chance Hamlin: Its that why they've been showing double episodes? Can't say I'm surprised.