
@Jagiya: That particular trope needs to subverted more. It's getting sort of ridiculous.

@Arryma: We're calling her Fauxlivia. Fall in line.

@em37ib: That had to be a deliberate Dexter shoutout. Why bother with the plastic if he had no intention of destroying the evidence?

@m_faustus: I agree about Buffy, not so sure I can make that claim about Olivia.

@palinode: I kind of wonder if that scene would have played out differently if Fauxlivia's "sweet" boyfriend wasn't conveniently out of town and she got to know and like him. Would she have understood Peter's experience instead of trying to be rational and understanding, and failing and getting angry later on?

@CoH: Huh? Not sure how thick a scapel is but I do have a draw full of X-acto blades of every imaginable size and access to an autoclave. If I put the two together and start using them to trim my cuticles can I expect a visit from the feds?

@CaptainCynic: From a gift buying perspective the last three are so wide as to be impossible to include.

@MrGOH: This is Tron Man's time to shine. Don't rain on his neon, spandex parade.

@glwtta: They'll be the middle aged women in Merlotte's T-shirts squealing in maniacal glee when RobPat comes onscreen during the midnight Breaking Dawn midnight premiere.

@Keltslash: I never understand tips that are essentially "Bully or annoy employee into giving you a discount." I've worked in retail selling everything from $2 Old Navy Boxers to $3000 road bikes and you're much more likely to get treated better if you don't act like a jerk.

@LightMage210: Does that Billy Mays key come with a hit of coke or do you have to supply your own?

@ian.moore1: Yes, but you can rent a screen in a movie theater for much less.

@Ridley: Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Ok. Except it isn't clear to me that all 600+ incidents were as a result of a suspect resisting arrest, that each taser incident led to an arrest or that even if they were arrested they were even charged or just held long enough to justify the arrest and let go. Otherwise it looks like the threshold

"...Chrome will automatically loading your most visited pages when you type the first letter or two of its URL. "

@destryer: It's amazing that people with rights are always willing to give it up.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Right but it is possible to kill someone with a Taser. The impression of Tasers is that of Non-Lethal. So then the threshold for when a taser is introduced into a conflict is lowered even if it it is just as dangerous. Eventually though as the incidence of taser use starts to increase so will the

@suffersfoolsgladly: I think most PO training makes you get Tased and Pepper Sprayed. I'm not sure that its a deterrent to casual use though. If a guy pisses you off and you can hurt him with pretty much no consequences wouldn't you do it?

@Megxers: A friend on mine was nearly assaulted by a lady in Berkeley wearing that shirt. She was middle-aged and had a pretty heavy Russian accent, so we're assuming she's was an escapee of the Regime.

@Crrash: I'm no Who-aphile. I always got the impression that the Sonic Screwdriver was a magic wand with blinking lights.