
@Wellmont: I'm not arguing against that interpretation. I guess I was arguing against the OP's definition of facts. You aren't "good at facts" if you see one ball as bigger than the other because they are, in fact, of equal size.

@Hypnosifl: You mean the unicorn in the back is actually supposed to look twice as sparkly?

@BangarangRufio867: That's just something your Neuroscientist says to make you feel better...

@im.thatoneguy3: Don't you have that backwards? Isn't a smaller visual cortex (and susceptibilities to optical illusions) imply that you're bad at facts since you brain is inferring details from surrounding context rather than separating and perceiving details individually?

@Rusty Hawk: Rofl. I just can't believe Jamie met the President dressed like a French Hobo.

@collex: I don't know. The nation seems to be running short of Kennedy's to die in mysterious circumstances.

@icelight: They seem to be mixing more standard myths in with stuff that lends itself more to explosions. People like 'splosions.

Wait. Guys kissing is an R Rating?

@dnwilliams: Gravitas. Yes. Power AND Gravitas? No. He less the King than the King's soft spoken scary hatchet man.

@BellBuster: Most important movie ever made? No. But he did get an interesting, nuanced performance out of Marlon Wayans. As far I'm concerned Aronofsky is a miracle worker.

@glucious: If you had a son would you let him play football? Wrestling? Crew? Swim Team?

@MrGOH: I felt the same way about Boneshaker. I really want to like Steampunk, but I keep coming away feeling like there's nothing there.

@BOSS: I liked that movie when it was called Con-Air.

@dnwilliams: I'm not sure what OP means by stocky. He's a pretty slim guy. Unless he meant short.

@beaker: Dude! That was quite a rant. You should write one of these. Think of how Meta that would be. An XtraNormal video about why XtraNormal videos are awful.

@Scorpi: Don't be ridiculous.

@dnwilliams: I'd say Idris Elba. Chiwetel Ejiofor seems a little small to play Black Panther. But I'm no casting agent, hell they'd probably get Terry Crews.

@hazelmaeby: The only slow change I can think of is the first one we see when the shapeshifter has to break the bones in his own face first, before inserting the mouth piece. They seemed to have abandoned that little requirement, because every shifter after that is able to change as quickly as they need.

@Michael_GR: or the fact that the water in SenDep tank has to be a body temp and they couldn't have had to time to regulate it, or the fact that it took her all of two seconds in the tank to cross over, so why does she even need it?

@Stuart Bradley Newsom: No. I think there's a difference between starting off slow and starting off bland. Buffy started off slow, Supernatural started off slow. In the past few years though its almost as if they're afraid to have anything happen. They try to appeal to as many people as possible. Nothing good ever